Taking critical psychic damage by watching the #rupauldragrace season 4 makeover episode.
Anyway I well realize that the #RuPaulDragRace empire is not perfection but 1) the new oral history shows what they were able to do anyway, sometimes to surprisingly good effect (the Vixen forever) and 2) you get moments like this from yesterday's All Stars finale, so.
Esta tempada de #RupaulDragRace (a 15) estouna vendo por ver bailar a Anetra, porque o resto...
Salina Estitties has reminded me of someone when in drag and today it FINALLY came to me.
LA INDIA (Puerto Ricans will know 🤣)
Attention all #dragrace fans, this is a very important announcement. The #worldofwonder Plus streaming app now has playback speed controls! This addition now makes Drag Race Italian watchable.
#dragrace #worldofwonder #rupauldragrace #rupauldragraces15 #streaming
My Drag persona at the moment 🎭
#RuPaulDragRace #superstar #game
#game #superstar #rupauldragrace
#RuPaulDragRace #RPDG15 The runways are my favorite part of the show. So this season is really disappointing to watch…
Yass mamma! How'd I miss this new #RuPaul gem! #CakeAndCandy #DragRace #RuPaulDragRace
#rupaul #cakeandcandy #dragrace #rupauldragrace
Gente linda alguien sigue #rupauldragrace ? Me acabo de ver el último capítulo de la última temporada y quiero chismear con alguien al respecto porque me pareció indignante XD #spoilers
Outra sorpresa en #RupaulDragRace , unha drag cun traxe inspirado en Jax de Mortal Kombat.
De verdade que non esperaba do 2023 ver un lipsync en #RupaulDragRace dunha canción que fala dos "problemas" en Irlanda do Norte :blobeyesup:
Finally watching season 5 of #RuPaulDragRace where so many later big names first showed up, it’s like watching their origin story 😂
My favorite look of this RuPaul's season episode 6 (Glamazone Prime) was from Lady Camden. :D
I made the wings a bit wrong. Later I realized there probably weren't extra fabric drapes she was holding in her hand. But it was too late in the drawing process to change it. xD
#rpdr #dragrace #rupauldragrace #MastoArt