Maaaaaaate. Can anyone explain to me how and why pharmacies in rural NZ work. How is it that amoxicillin, the most basic and generic of the antibiotics is unavailable until tomorrow?!
I'm sure this is only the start of #RuralHealth problems, but I'm stunned at *just* how difficult access is
My latest: Women’s Health Center Opening In The #Abortion Desert Of Western Maryland- Important advance for health in rural Western Maryland, especially for the provision of safe abortions/#gender-affirming care! #Maryland, #WestVirginia and #PA #ruralhealth #reproductivehealth
#abortion #maryland #westvirginia #PA #ruralhealth #reproductivehealth
John Kerin: Obituary from a former staffer, Gordon Gregory. The best policies are the best politics -
The Foundation welcomes the appointment of The Hon Ryan Park as the new NSW Minister for Health and The Hon Tara Moriatry as Minister for Regional and Western NSW. #ruralhealth
See also the 2nd article in this series: How Community Hubs could contribute to better health for rural and remote Australians
By @BurdackMark
#auspol #ruralhealth
#auspol #ruralhealth #communityhealth
From "Oregon Public Radio, a story about In rural Oregon, there’s a higher need for mental health care, but few options."
#anxiety #ruralhealth #Treatment
Great advocacy by Health Consumers Tasmania community led health reform. The key points in their letter to the Tasmanian Premier reflect the minimum requirement for reform of our health care system. #ruralhealth #HealthForAll @RRH_journal @WHO @RRH_journal #ruralhealth #ruralhealthcare #HealthForAll
#ruralhealth #healthforall #ruralhealthcare
Global News BC: B.C. budget: Billions earmarked for health care, addictions treatment #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #BCBudgetDay2023 #Healthspending #BCBudget2023 #RuralHealth #BCLiberals #Healthcare #npdbudget #Politics #BCBudget #DavidEby #Economy #Doctors #Health #BCNEWS #Nurses #BCNDP
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #bcbudgetday2023 #healthspending #bcbudget2023 #ruralhealth #BCLiberals #healthcare #npdbudget #politics #BCBudget #DavidEby #economy #doctors #health #BCNews #nurses #bcndp
Submissions sought for Inquiry into the implications of severe weather events on the national regional, rural, and remote road network: Deadline 28 Feb #ruralhealth cc @CroakeyNews @NRHAlliance @BurdackMark
This is a critical & timely report on the failure at the heart of the health system. For too long the view has been that community health is someone else’s responsibility. As a consequence taxpayers are slugged with a multi-billion dollar bill. #ruralhealth #HealthForAll
The The Healthy Communities Foundation Australia Ltd is working with the The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) to build a new virtual training centre in #Armidale to address chronic doctor shortages. #ruralhealth
As many of us at @CroakeyNews know personally, this is an important consultation for #RuralHealth: Connectivity is an impt #SDOH
Country living is about community – so why are we building inhospitable estates? | James McKenzie Watson #ruralhealth #SDOH @NRHAlliance @BurdackMark @CroakeyNews @AlisonSBarrett
And there’s several other manuscripts from around the world submitted, being written, in planning stage… and grant applications under review by various funders, with more about to be written.
But anyway, in short – lots to keep me, and us, busy! Look forward to (hopefully) making a little bit of a positive difference in 2023.
#publichealth #health #communityhealth #ruralhealth #research #MedMastodon #idmastodon
#publichealth #health #communityhealth #ruralhealth #research #MedMastodon #IDMastodon
We know the systemic reform that is needed to fix our health system. But it will require true wisdom & courage to do what is needed - to return people to the centre of our system of care. #ruralhealth
On 1 January 1901 Australia formally became an independent democratic nation able to make its own laws, engage in peaceful relations with its neighbours and establish it own norms and customs based on the will of a united Australian people. Happy birthday Australia! #ruralhealth #auspol
Congrats to Sir Michael Marmot, author on health inequity, for UK honour. - Guardian Australia #ruralhealth
Medicare was established in 1984 to ensure all Australians, “whether a newborn baby or Prime Minister”, had universal access to healthcare. Today, access to Medicare largely depends on where you live and how wealthy you are. Over one-third of Australians cannot easily access a local GP when they need one. Medicare pays doctors more to provide low value care to the healthy (who largely live in our cities), rather than improving health outcomes for Australia’s most vulnerable. Medicare does not encourage team-based, integrated care which contributes to better health outcomes. When Medicare was established it was designed for people. If we are to make Medicare fair again we need to go back to basics and listen to the community and address their needs. #ruralhealth