Hi all,
Looking to publish a podcast episode on ancient Ireland and hoping to source an expert on that period so if anyone is interested or may know someone, please let me know at thecomfortablespotpodcast@gmail.com.
#History #IrishHistory #Culture #BronzeAgeCollapse #RuralHistory #BronzeAge #Histodons #Archeology #AncientIreland
#history #irishhistory #culture #bronzeagecollapse #ruralhistory #bronzeage #histodons #archeology #ancientireland
📙 Depois do lançamento na Sertã, o novo livro de Luís Farinha — “Sipote. Uma Aldeia do Pinhal — Memória do Tempo Comunitário” (Edições Colibri) — vai ser apresentado em Lisboa, no Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo, por Raquel Pereira Henriques.
#histodons #RuralHistory #Sipote #Sertã #NewBook #HistoryBooks #MastoBooks #Memory
#histodons #ruralhistory #sipote #serta #newbook #historybooks #mastobooks #memory
📙 O mais recente livro de Luís Farinha, dedicado à aldeia de Sipote, vai ser lançado na Casa da Cultura da Sertã no dia 25 de Março.
Terá apresentação de Raquel Pereira Henriques e actuação do Rancho Folclórico e Etnográfico de Cernache do Bomjardim.
#histodons #NewBook #HistoryBooks #Sipote #RuralHistory #LocalHistory #Portugal #Sertã
#histodons #newbook #historybooks #sipote #ruralhistory #localhistory #portugal #serta
We are pleased to announce that more than 1‘000 films from 23 institutions in 9 European countries are now accessible on the ARH/ERHFA Portal: https://ruralfilms.eu/filmdatabaseOnline/index.php?function=show_static_page&id_static_page=1
#SwissHistory #ruralhistory #histCH #archivCH #ruralfilms #HumanAnimalStudies #aghist #foodhistory #ruralwomen
#swisshistory #ruralhistory #histch #archivch #ruralfilms #humananimalstudies #aghist #foodhistory #ruralwomen
Eine Veranstaltung des Lehrstuhls für Medizingeschichte Zürich und des Archivs für Agrar-geschichte (AfA) in Bern
#SwissHistory #ruralhistory #histCH #archivCH
#swisshistory #ruralhistory #histch #archivch
CFP: Rural History Conference 2023, Cluj, Romania. Deadline 31 Jan. #Landscape #LandscapeResearch #LandscapeStudies #RuralStudies #Agriculture #Countryside #RuralHistory http://hiphi.ubbcluj.ro/rural/call-for-papers/
#ruralhistory #countryside #agriculture #ruralstudies #landscapestudies #landscaperesearch #landscape
These stone steps beside the gates of Ford Church date to the days when many people rode ponies to church from the outlying farms and hamlets of this rural parish.The steps allowed a rider to step down from the pony easily, particularly used by women in their Sunday dresses.
#Northumberland #History #LocalHistory #RuralHistory #FolkHistory
#northumberland #history #localhistory #ruralhistory #folkhistory
The ARH and the IGLR organized a workshop on "Rural Films" - the topic of the Rural History Yearbook 2024 ((https://journals.univie.ac.at/index.php/rhy). Sven Lefèvre from the CAG in Leuven wrote a report about it.
#ruralfilms #ruralhistory
Wie Hunde, Pferde und Ochsen auch die Moderne in den Städten prägten. Urs Hafner über ein
Forschungsprojekt des AfA: https://magazin.nzz.ch/nzz-am-sonntag/wissen/tiere-in-der-stadt-ohne-hunde-und-kuehe-keine-moderne-ld.1718634
#SwissHistory #ruralhistory #histCH #archivCH #urban #photography
#swisshistory #ruralhistory #histch #archivch #urban #photography
An example for the invention of traditions as well as the food policy of Switzerland in the 20th century: Fondue – a „natural processed product“, blog post by Peter Moser (13.11.2019):
#aghist #ruralhistory #archivCH #food #SwissHistory
#aghist #ruralhistory #archivch #food #swisshistory
Archiv für Agrargeschichte (AfA-AHR-ARH)
Jetzt auf der AfA Webseite online: Text von Peter Moser zu den Versuchen, „multifunktionale Tiere in monofunktionale Projektionsflächen zu transformieren“: https://histoirerurale.ch/pdfs/Moser_Grenzen2021.pdf
#SwissHistory #ruralhistory #histCH #archivCH #animalhistory #HumanAnimalStudies #HorseHistory
#swisshistory #ruralhistory #histch #archivch #animalhistory #humananimalstudies #horsehistory
Lautloser als Helikopter transportierten Maultiere & Menschen Geräte vom Bundesamt für Landestopografie in die Höhe. Neu im AfA Online Portal "Arbeitstiere": 33 Fotografien von @swisstopo
Mehr dazu: https://images-histoirerurale.ch/arbeitstiere_online/index.php?function=show_static_page&id_static_page=1
#SwissHistory #ruralhistory #histCH #archivCH #histBE
#swisshistory #ruralhistory #histch #archivch #histbe
Als die
Pakete noch bis ins Haus lieferte. Neu im AfA Online Portal „Arbeitstiere“: 79 Fotografien von SBB Historic.
Mehr dazu: https://images-histoirerurale.ch/arbeitstiere_online/index.php?function=show_static_page&id_static_page=1
#SwissHistory #ruralhistory #histCH #archivCH #histBE #SBB
#swisshistory #ruralhistory #histch #archivch #histbe #sbb
Die HV des Fördervereins für das AfA findet am 7.12.2022 um 18.00 online statt. Ab 18.30 Referat von H.U. Schiedt über arbeitende Tiere im 19./20. Jh. inkl. Diskussion.
Zoom Link zu dieser Veranstaltung: email an info@agrararchiv.ch
#swisshistory #ruralhistory #histch #archivch
In 1847, Ann Marshall, wife of Richard Marshall, farmer of Heatherslaw, died.
The following year, at Kirknewton Parish Church (some miles and a couple of parishes away - was there some disapproval in their home parish?), Richard Marshall (65) married Jane Lilico (27).
Love? Lust? Prosaic practicality? We'll never know.
Richard Marshall died in 1858 and is buried in Ford Churchyard. He and Jane had no children.
In 1861, however, Jane can be found living at Henlaw, the second, smaller farm that Richard had held. (Heatherslaw Farmhouse was rented out as a gentleman's residence, the land of it and Henlaw presumably farmed by one of the neighbouring farmers.) She is listed as 'fundholder', which is a term I can't find a precise definition for in this context, but implies that she had private income.
She was 41 and a widow, the most independent status for a woman, if she had a little money - which Jane clearly did, as she was able to employ a servant.
As far as I know, Jane never remarried, but I like to think she got her happy ending!
#LocalHistory #WomensHistory #FolkHistory #Northumberland #NorthumberlandHistory #RuralHistory #19thCentury #HistoryInTheLandscape
#localhistory #womenshistory #folkhistory #northumberland #northumberlandhistory #ruralhistory #19thcentury #historyinthelandscape
Another #LocalHistory snippet while the drizzle drips down outside. A shorter and simpler story today.
In 1841, a 20-year-old girl named Jane Lilico lived in the hamlet of Heatherslaw (below), #Northumberland. There was a family of Lilicos (presumably hers) in the village, but Jane lived and worked as a servant at Heatherslaw Farmhouse.
For a girl from a labouring family, this was probably a Good Job. Women in Northumberland worked in the fields alongside the men, although they were paid less, and indeed often had some of the more laborious, unpleasant jobs; cleaning out the cow byres, for example, was women's work. Young, unmarried women, if there was no work for them at home, might become Bondagers: female workers that a hind (male labourer) had to provide as part of his contract, and would hire if he didn't have a wife or daughter to fill the role. Bondagers were the lowest-paid, and often the poorest-treated, workers on the farm.
Jane, then, had done well to find work at the house. Richard Marshall, the 58-year-old farmer, was a prosperous man. In the 1830s, he sat as part of the Ford Prosecution Society (local groups of influential people, ranging from the titled landowners to the more affluent village tradesmen, who banded together to keep law and order, before a rural police force existed), and he farmed both Heatherslaw and the adjoining Henlaw Farm.
But Jane Lilico was not staying a maidservant all her life.
#localhistory #northumberland #history #histodons #folkhistory #ruralhistory
It was a frosty but sunny one this morning, mist lifting out of the river valley and lingering around the hills.
Shadows of the past are hidden in the landscape, invisible unless you know. Old plough lines lie under the flood water, and where I stood was a farm in the 18th and 19th centuries, now vanished. And the sharp tips of the hills are the ancient walls of #IronAge #HillForts
#Northumberland #landscape #photography #walking #November #LocalHistory #LandscapeHistory #RuralHistory
#ruralhistory #landscapehistory #LocalHistory #november #walking #Photography #Landscape #northumberland #hillforts #ironage
An #introduction: I am a historian of rural #NovaScotia in the #colonial era. I work at #Brock University in St Catharines Ontario Canada where I teach colonial #Canada, colonial Atlantic World, and #digital public history of Acadie/Mi'kma'ki/Nova Scotia. I encourage students to think historically using digital tools. My larger current work is a biography of the 19th-century NS miller #JamesBarryDiary. A miller, fiddler, printer, reader, and complainer of many ailments, writing on Barry finds me dabbling in histories of emotion, the body, religion, family, music, books, and print culture.
#modernity #ruralhistory #history #histodons #JamesBarryDiary #digital #canada #Brock #colonial #novascotia #introduction