Visited this oak elder today at Birnam en route to the Rural Housing Scotland conference. It presides over a beautiful remnant of ancient woodland full of singing birds. I was serenaded by a song thrush. Really set me up for a day of thinking about Scotland's #RuralHousing crisis. Or the omnicrisis as someone put it.
Intro post!
I'm an islander / islands researcher based in Jura, Scotland & interested in many things including:
#Islands #ScottishIslands #IslandsResearch #Diaspora #CommunityEmpowerment #LandReform #RuralHousing #GaelicCulture #InternalMigration #Nissology #PopulationGeography #Community #CommunityWealthBuilding #Crofting #Ferries #Depopulation #RuralHomelessness #SecondHomes #Repeopling #PeoplePlaceConnections #RuralPolicy #ReturnMigration
You can also find me at
#returnmigration #ruralpolicy #peopleplaceconnections #repeopling #secondhomes #ruralhomelessness #depopulation #ferries #crofting #communitywealthbuilding #community #populationgeography #nissology #internalmigration #gaelicculture #ruralhousing #landreform #communityempowerment #diaspora #islandsresearch #scottishislands #islands