Many thanks for any and all thoughts, insights, references, debate, etc.! #halakhah #RuralJudaism /end
- [ ] In short, by #RuralJudaism I mean that we are not -practically- able to physically access “Jewish Community” without significant advance planning (at least days, preferably a week or more) and significant travel time, i.e., no less than 3.5 hours of driving to join a minyan. (I’d like to avoid the “why don’t you move” discussion. Suffice it to say, that’s not a realistic option in the foreseeable future.)
Looking to start a discussion of #halakhah around the challenges of #RuralJudaism. By discussion I mean to say that I’m not looking for an authoritative responsum, I’ll continue discussing these things with my rabbis, but looking for people’s understanding of the tradition. #mazeldon #RuralJews 1/
#halakhah #ruraljudaism #mazeldon #ruraljews