#Sheep with character. These are Ouessant Tup lambs at about 6 months old. So nearly fully grown!
They just love this fallen tree playground.
#SheepOfMastodon #rurallife #smallholdinglife #cute
#cute #smallholdinglife #rurallife #sheepofmastodon #sheep
I just boosted this because I have to go back to this same clinic in 10 days and see the same damn nurse. Sometimes #RuralLife sucks.
On the bright side, since there's no way to self-search I had to scroll back through three months of my timeline, which explains the spate of self-boosts tonight.
Fantastic Wendover Productions video on the impact of Dollar General on rural and impoverished areas - why the phenomenon is happening and what happens next. I was surprised that they opened on Faith, South Dakota - a ~350 person town about 45 minutes where I grew up. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQpUV--2Jao
#foodDeseret #economics #DollarGeneral #FamilyDollar #ruralLife
#fooddeseret #economics #dollargeneral #familydollar #rurallife
A boomer delivered some firewood to our neighbour today. She's lucky it wasn't a nuke (though a nuke powered heater could keep her warm till the end of her life).
A boomer delivered some firewood to our neighbour today.
We'll need a bigger chainsaw. And bigger batteries.
Today we had many short power breaks, none of them longer than 10 minutes, but they made work hell. Sorry if I didn't reply to your message. Living on the edge, I don't have a UPS, the battery in my laptop is dead, and I'm too lazy to drag the generator out of its lair. Those breaks meant that the power company was still cleaning up after a 12 hour outage a few days ago, caused by storms. Back then we had a very romantic evening, with cooking by candlelight.
Tess, our guardian.
But even more depressed than usual having to tolerate the arrival of our new puppy.
#photo #photography #photoofthedayl #smartphonephotography #umbria #italy #landscapephotography #landscape #dogsofmastodon #rurallife
#rurallife #dogsofmastodon #landscape #landscapephotography #italy #umbria #smartphonephotography #photoofthedayl #photography #photo
Saddle up and finish the workweek strong!
#goodmorning #brighteon #animals #horses #homesteading #rurallife
#GoodMorning #brighteon #animals #horses #HomeSteading #rurallife
A family of #swallows safely perched for the night. The young ones are now too big for the nest! #birdwatching #rurallife #smallholdinglife #dumfriesgalloway #cuteanimals
#cuteanimals #dumfriesgalloway #smallholdinglife #rurallife #birdwatching #swallows
Saw these cuties this morning as I stepped out to do chores. Thought I'd try to share a slice of #Ozarks life here to get back in the social media habit.
#ozarks #NaturePhotography #nature #deer #homestead #rurallife
We'll have to rethink our idea of a perfect doghouse.
#IdąPsięta #dogsofmastodon #rurallife
Our night was disturbed by a rampaging herd of young elephants through the house. Well, it sounded like that, but we suspected either a stoat had got in (bad news) or that a rogue mouse had broken our agreement with the mousefolk - they get fed outside if they stay outside. I reluctantly set an NMT (shh - don't mention Nasty Mouse Traps) and I fear we were right; it was a mouse, who must have had his mountaineering hobnailed boots on.
I hate having to set NMTs
For years, the youngsters in this little village in #Germany have thumbed a lift from here to the towns nearby. A few years ago, the village council built them special seats, and a sign they can flip so drivers can see which destination they want. I think the #mitfahrbank is a delightful idea!
#RuralLife #RuralTransport #hitchhiking #transport
#transport #hitchhiking #ruraltransport #rurallife #mitfahrbank #germany
Petition calls for govt to use NZ wool https://www.odt.co.nz/rural-life/petition-calls-govt-use-nz-wool #rurallife
Huge response to Year of the Farmer https://www.odt.co.nz/rural-life/huge-response-year-farmer #rurallife
Herd happy in composting barn https://www.odt.co.nz/rural-life/dairy/herd-happy-composting-barn #rurallife #dairy
Shedding sheep grow in popularity https://www.odt.co.nz/rural-life/rural-life-other/shedding-sheep-grow-popularity #rurallife #rurallifeother
Roadshow spreads word of Nudies https://www.odt.co.nz/rural-life/rural-life-other/roadshow-spreads-word-nudies #rurallife #rurallifeother
Southern men dominate at awards https://www.odt.co.nz/rural-life/rural-events/southern-men-dominate-awards #rurallife #ruralevents