I have a completely necessary but completely unexpected trip next week. Heard on Tuesday I was needed, and the only time that fit my schedule was next week. All righty then.
looking at you #Nintendo across your games and so many other #companies but fr I haven't bought a #pokémon game since sun and ultra moon cuz they've been #rushed afff for #switch or just doesn't really feel like as well thought outcould be..
I don't get the need for rushing games I seriously don't mind waiting years, even a decade however for a fully well thought out game or creation so it really can be finished and not buggy af. I kinda get bugs being fun but I dunno.. It just bothers me how much faulty stuff gets sold at #expensive prices while creators get exhausted and overworked because of the rushing
#nintendo #companies #pokemon #rushed #switch #expensive
Passengers rushed off flight in Denver after reports of smoke and fire | CNN Travel #passengers #rushed #flight #denver #after #reports #smoke #fire #travel #13luglio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuY25uLmNvbS90cmF2ZWwvYXJ0aWNsZS91bml0ZWQtYWlybGluZXMtZmxpZ2h0LWV2YWN1YXRpb24tZGVudmVyL2luZGV4Lmh0bWw=
#13luglio #travel #fire #smoke #reports #after #denver #flight #rushed #passengers