RT @LiberaleModerne
The West got its reaction to Putin's war right, but often misses the nuances of support for the war inside Russia, said @v_milov at the sidelines of our conference #RussiaandtheWest.
For more nuance, read the conference report by @fuecks & @niktwick: https://libmod.de/en/russia-and-the-west-conference-report/
RT @LiberaleModerne@twitter.com
We start the public part of our conference #RussiaandtheWest with a message from Vladimir Kara-Murza from last year's conference:
“Only the Russian people can remove Putin form power, and this is what needs to be done to end this war.”
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/LiberaleModerne/status/1649101852007383040
And/or @RusVerstehen for tweets in Russian and German
RT @RusVerstehen
Ральф Фукс @fuecks «мы посвящаем сегодняшнюю конференцию Владимиру Кара-Мурзе @vkaramurza и приглашаем всех к активному участию!» Вы ещё можете зарегистрироваться на вечернюю онлайн сессию https://russlandverstehen.eu/ru/russland-konferenz-2023_diskussion_russlandpolitik-des-westens/ #LibMod #RussiaAndTheWest #PostPutin
#libmod #russiaandthewest #postputin
Follow @LiberaleModerne for tweets in English 👇
RT @LiberaleModerne
We are kicking off the conference: Russia and the West - Lessons Learned? Western policy towards Russia.
It will be held under Chatham House rules, but we will report the main points in English here 👇
Join us tomorrow 7pm CET for a timely debate on #RussiaAndtheWest. With Ralf @fuecks, @apolyakova, @mbk_center and @SLagodinsky 👇
RT @RusVerstehen
Ведущие эксперты о Путине, агрессии России и будущем мира. 20 апреля в Берлине и онлайн вы сможете узнать об отношениях с Россией и о стратегических целях Запада во время и после войны. #RussiaAndTheWest #PostPutin #LibMod
#russiaandthewest #postputin #libmod
Looking forward to seeing @MoscowTimes alumna @CatherineBelton at our conference in Berlin this Thursday! You can join the public debate later that evening: https://libmod.de/en/russia-and-the-west-2023-discussion/
RT @LiberaleModerne
Was sind die Schwachstellen des Putin-Regimes?
Wir freuen uns, das am Donnerstag mit @CatherineBelton auf unserer Konferenz #RussiaAndTheWest zu diskutieren.
Anmeldung zur Abendveranstaltung: http…
I cannot forget the day I conducted this interview.
RT @LiberaleModerne
This Thursday, Russian opposition politician @vkaramurza cannot join us at this year’s conference #RussiaAndTheWest, because he was sentenced to 25 years of prison in Russia today. Last year, he spoke at our conference about political change in Russia.
RT @LiberaleModerne@twitter.com
Join @SLagodinsky@twitter.com MEP & us on 20 April online for execiting discussion on “Russia and the West”!
#EuropeanSecurity #RussiaAndTheWest #Lagodinsky #PostPutin
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/LiberaleModerne/status/1647132794613559296
#europeansecurity #russiaandthewest #lagodinsky #postputin