(21 Aug) - Vivek Ramaswamy Wants to Give Putin Whatever He Wants in Ukraine https://newrepublic.com/post/175079/vivek-ramaswamy-wants-give-putin-whatever-wants-ukraine #VivekRamaswamy #Putin #Ukraine #RussianAggression #InternationalRelations #Geopolitics #Politics #News https://mastodon.sdf.org/@uspolitics/110929639530002088
#news #politics #geopolitics #internationalrelations #russianaggression #ukraine #putin #vivekramaswamy
Vivek Ramaswamy Wants to Give Putin Whatever He Wants in Ukraine
#VivekRamaswamy #Putin #Ukraine #RussianAggression #InternationalRelations #Geopolitics #Politics #News
#vivekramaswamy #putin #ukraine #russianaggression #internationalrelations #geopolitics #politics #news
RT @ARofCrimea
Russian vice-premier Denis Manturov visited illegally #Kerch shipyard "Zaliv", preparing new shams with real estate, where two aggressor’s helicopter carriers were allegedly constructed since 2020, but without visual result #RussianAggression #Crimea https://arcrimea.org/en/news/2023/04/29/kerch-shipyard-and-aggressors-virtual-flagship/
#kerch #russianaggression #crimea
Vulkan Files reveal Russia’s cyberwarfare strategy https://www.euractiv.com/section/cybersecurity/news/vulkan-files-reveal-russias-cyberwarfare-strategy/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #CyberAttack #cyberthreats #cyberwarfare #Kremlin #Russianaggression
#cyberattack #cyberthreats #cyberwarfare #kremlin #russianaggression
Vulkan Files reveal Russia’s cyberwarfare strategy https://www.euractiv.com/section/cybersecurity/news/vulkan-files-reveal-russias-cyberwarfare-strategy/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #CyberAttack #cyberthreats #cyberwarfare #Kremlin #Russianaggression
#cyberattack #CyberThreats #cyberwarfare #Kremlin #russianaggression
My heart goes out to Oleksandr Havriluk and all who have suffered such injustices. #RussianAggression #Unacceptable #EqualRights #StandUp #Resist https://www.cnn.com/2023/03/27/europe/farmers-land-mines-clearance-ukraine-russia-invasion-intl-hnk/index.html
#russianaggression #unacceptable #equalrights #standup #resist
RT @ukraine_world@twitter.com
Russian occupiers hit Kramatorsk in the Donetsk Oblast with rockets at night, the mayor of the city, Oleksandr Honcharenko, said. #RussiaIsATerroristState #RussianAggression
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ukraine_world/status/1639566918662094849
#RussiaIsATerroristState #russianaggression
The declassified footage shows an Su-27 Flanker jet making two exceptionally close passes of the uncrewed drone, spraying fuel in front of it, a harassment tactic that US experts say has not been seen before.
#americandrone #russianaggression
Anyone still believing that giving up Ukrainian cities to russian terrorists will stop the war is a naïve imbecile and has learned nothing from the past 30 years of #russianAggression
Putler and his russian fascists must be pushed back right to their autocratic borders. Not a centimetre should be given up. They always lie and will come back for more war otherwise.
Putin's power is made of other people's ignorance.
#russianaggression #UkraineWillWin #ArmUkraineNow #StopRussianAggression #russiaisaterroriststate
"#Ukraine is taking steps to open an office of the International Criminal Court, as Kyiv says it has registered more than 70,000 #WarCrimes since fighting began."
Pres Zelenskyy: "The first thing we must achieve: our union for justice must become a powerful impetus for the adoption of the draft Ukrainian resolution by the #UN General Assembly. The resolution that would contribute to the creation of a Special Tribunal on the crime of #RussianAggression against Ukraine."
#Ukraine #warcrimes #UN #russianaggression
#Belarus looking for excuses to get involved with #RussianAggression
Diese Vorhersagungen in diesen oder jenen Zeitungsartikeln, wie die "militärische Spezialoperation" möglichst friedlich auszugehen hat, bedient sich einer Reihe westlicher Klischees, die quasi in diesem Fall mit Glaskugelgucken einhergehen. Lasst es einfach und liefert Material.
Before #War #Waste #RussianAggression
#war #waste #russianaggression
So langsam wird es besser. Aktuellste Informationen mit direktem Bezug zum Geschehen vom Podcast #nachgefragt - wenn auch aus verständlichen Gründen ein bisschen geschönt - aus erster Hand. #russianaggression
#nachgefragt #russianaggression
@OlgaPatlyuk I agree with you, #Ukraine and its allies will not accept any negotiation until #Russia is out of Ukraine and (Russia) accepts the consequences of its defeat. The ultimate goal is preventing any future #RussianAggression for decades to come, and to show other terrorist regimes the consequences of such behavior.
#ukraine #russia #russianaggression
Field Hospital near #Bakhmut …. Going to send those longer range missles you promised yet???!!!! The world needs a dose of reality and to see what is happening! #NATO #allies #ukraine #ukrainian #hospital #russianinvasion #putin #putinwarcrimes #russianaggression
#Bakhmut #nato #allies #ukraine #ukrainian #hospital #russianinvasion #putin #PutinWarCrimes #russianaggression
RT SofiOksanen: Tänä vuonna ilotulitusrahani menivät tämmöiseen rakettiin. Hyvää uutta vuotta!/ This year my firework money went to this kind of rocket to defend #Ukraine from #RussianAggression. #HappyNewYear ! You can send your own New Year wishes to #Russia with \@SignMyRocket #uusivuosi (1/2)
#Ukraine #russianaggression #happynewyear #Russia #uusivuosi
RT @SofiOksanen@twitter.com
Tänä vuonna ilotulitusrahani menivät tämmöiseen rakettiin. Hyvää uutta vuotta!/ This year my firework money went to this kind of rocket to defend #Ukraine from #RussianAggression. #HappyNewYear ! You can send your own New Year wishes to #Russia with @SignMyRocket@twitter.com #uusivuosi (1/2)
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SofiOksanen/status/1609204248947949571
#ukraine #russianaggression #happynewyear #russia #uusivuosi