You can get a quick intro to Maksym's exposé of #russianColonialism from this TikTok video:
guys, if you love my #RussianColonialism video explainers and newsletters — please power my work and join my Patreon family. really need editing/production help to elevate the whole thing
the time to decolonize and retire “post-soviet” in regard of former r*ssian colonies is way overdue.
RT @maksymeristavi
when foreigners casually drop ‘bombing of kyiv’ these pics always come to mind. this is what #RussianColonialism did to chechnya and grozny when they tried to leave the empire in 2000. a war crime of horrific scale, but the rest of the world was like ‘meh’, so moscow continued
RT @maksymeristavi
when foreigners casually drop ‘bombing of kyiv’ these pics always come to mind. this is what #RussianColonialism did to chechnya and grozny when they tried to leave the empire in 2000. a war crime of horrific scale, but the rest of the world was like ‘meh’, so moscow continued
RT @maksymeristavi
2015. syria is about to kick out a tyrant and get rid of a key #russianColonialism military base. moscow sends troops to carpet bomb and mass murder civilians - all to stop 'imminent genocide.' 600,000 killed, 7 million displaced
RT @maksymeristavi
2014. ukraine kicks out a pro-#russianColonialism kleptocratic regime. kremlin decides to punish it, creates false disinfo narrative about ethnic strife, finances pro-russian paramilitary, sends troops to create breakaway stateless and annex crimea
RT @maksymeristavi
2008. georgia kicks out a pro-#russianColonialism kleptocratic regime, moves towards rejoining with europe. kremlin decides to punish it. moscow uses disinfo to fabricate claims about 'imminent genocide', invades and occupies 20% of the territory
RT @maksymeristavi
1934-43. indigenous nation of nenets tries to leave #russianColonialism after centuries of exploitation, cultural erasure. moscow deploys troops and machine guns. surviving rebels are arrested, and many are tortured to death
RT @maksymeristavi
1918-22. karelia launches anti-#russianColonialism. uprising. moscow lies it is a foreign incursion, invades, bans democratically-elected assembly, creates a puppet govt. hundreds slaughtered, approx 30,000 became refugees, local language/culture banned
RT @maksymeristavi
1918-24. indigenous evenks people leave #russianColonialism amid mass terror and cultural erasure. moscow lures the repunlic into ceasefire with fake autonomy promises, then mass slaughteres the leadership
RT @maksymeristavi
1931-33. indigenous nation of khanty tries to leave #russianColonialism after centuries of exploitation, cultural erasure. moscow drowns anti-colonial uprising in blood, decimating local indigenous villages with aircraft artillery and machine guns
RT @maksymeristavi
1917-43. the indigenous nation of kalmyks leaves #russianColonialism, joins anti-colonial coalition of ukrainian cossack and northern caucasian states. moscow invades, punishes kalmyks with controlled starvation, deports entire nation killing every third
RT @maksymeristavi
1917-37. indigenous nation of buryats leaves #russianColonialism. russians infiltrate buryat-mongolia government, stoke divide, disband it. moscow occupies the state to “civilize it out of feudalism.” tens of thousands are slaughtered, become refugees
RT @maksymeristavi
1917-20. ukrainians of don/kuban’ leave #russianColonialism, set up democracies. russians stoke internal political/ethnic divisions, assassinate political leadership, invade to 'protect iteself.' moscow ethnically cleanses and russifies the region
RT @maksymeristavi
1917-44. indigenous nation of crimean tatars leaves #russianColonialism, set up the 2nd-ever muslim democracy. moscow invades 'to protect opposition,' executes 33-yo president numan çelebicihan. genocide, deportations kill every 2nd crimean tatar's_Republic
RT @maksymeristavi
1917-24. georgia leaves #russianColonialism. moscow stages ethnic violence and invades to ‘protect itself.’ russians execute thousands, deport 20,000+ in ethnic cleansing
RT @maksymeristavi
1917-45. north caucasus leaves #russianColonialism. moscow stages ethnic violence, invades to ‘stop it.’ russians deploy series of genocides and mass deportations in the following two decades killing hundreds of thousands