I suspect that Prigozhin has already been stuffed into his own hot dog casings, and served to his men.
#VladusPutinicus #Putin #Prigozhin #RussianCoup
#russiancoup #prigozhin #Putin #vladusputinicus
By turning Putin into Schrodinger‘s dictator, Prigozhin turned himself into Schrodinger‘s oligarch.
#SchrodingersDictator #Putin #SchrodingersOligarch #Prigozhin #DeadManWalking #DeadMenWalking #RussianCoup
#russiancoup #deadmenwalking #deadmanwalking #prigozhin #schrodingersoligarch #Putin #schrodingersdictator
Excellent compelling read about Putin & Prigozhin👍😷🥱
#UkraineWar #russiancoup #russia #RussiaIsATerroristState
#UkraineWar #russiancoup #russia #RussiaIsATerroristState
Reason 25384836262828:
Listening/reading about people trying to follow the Russia coup on Twitter makes me feel content with my decision to move here last year.
My sphere of Mastodon had a completely different experience: not much, if any, misinformation about.
#russiancoup #twittermigration #mastodonnews
All the experts are saying that #Putin is massively weakened and it's the start of his downfall.
@Nadinabbott agrees but mentions the possibility of groupthink.
I'm definitely not an expert but my instincts are that this is just as likely a case of 'what doesn't kill you makes you stronger'.
We know from #Trump that, with authoritarian cults, anything but total defeat is a victory in the eyes of your allies and voter base.
#russia #Ukraine #russiancoup #prigozhin #Trump #putin
"Camps for the Wagner mercenary group are being built on the territory of Belarus, the Russian independent news outlet Verstka wrote on June 26.
The outlet reported that a military camp for 8,000 fighters is being built near Asipovichy in Mogilev Oblast, roughly 200 kilometers from the Ukrainian border, with more camps to come."
#Russia #Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #RussiaUkraineWar #Wagner #Putin #RussiaCoup #RussiaCivilWar #Prigozhin #News #RussianCoup
#russia #ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #RussiaUkraineWar #Wagner #Putin #russiacoup #russiacivilwar #Prigozhin #news #russiancoup
Prigozhin's voice message pt. 5
"We turned around to:
1. Avoid spilling Russian blood
2. We were marching in protest, not for overturning the government. At this time Lukashenko offered to find a solution for Wagner to continue”.
“If on Feb 24, 2023 Wagner were the ones in action, maybe the special operation would have lasted less”
#Russia #Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #RussiaUkraineWar #Wagner #Putin #RussiaCoup #RussiaCivilWar #Prigozhin #News #RussianCoup
#russia #ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #RussiaUkraineWar #Wagner #Putin #russiacoup #russiacivilwar #Prigozhin #news #russiancoup
Prigozhin's voice message pt. 4
“All military personnel who saw us during the march supported us”
"We stopped when the first land unit near Moscow examined the area and realized that in that moment, a lot of blood would be spilled”
#Russia #Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #RussiaUkraineWar #Wagner #Putin #RussiaCoup #RussiaCivilWar #Prigozhin #News #RussianCoup
#russia #ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #RussiaUkraineWar #Wagner #Putin #russiacoup #russiacivilwar #Prigozhin #news #russiancoup
Prigozhin's voice message pt. 3
"One column headed towards Rostov, another towards Moscow. In 24 hours we covered 780 km”
“We are sorry that we were forced to hit some of the air forces because they were attacking us”
“Not a single unit based on land was killed”
"We didn't force anyone to march”
#Russia #Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #RussiaUkraineWar #Wagner #Putin #RussiaCoup #RussiaCivilWar #Prigozhin #News #RussianCoup
#russia #ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #RussiaUkraineWar #Wagner #Putin #russiacoup #russiacivilwar #Prigozhin #news #russiancoup
Prigozhin's voice message contd.:
“The fighters who decided they could switch to Russia's MoD, they did. But it's a minority"
“Even though we didn't display any aggression, we were attacked with a rocket strike”
“So we decided to immediately march on Rostov. I said that we wouldn't display aggression unless we were hit first”
#Russia #Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #RussiaUkraineWar #Wagner #Putin #RussiaCoup #RussiaCivilWar #Prigozhin #News #RussianCoup
#russia #ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #RussiaUkraineWar #Wagner #Putin #russiacoup #russiacivilwar #Prigozhin #news #russiancoup
Hi, friends!
#Prigozhin showed up with a voice message today. Translating some:
“Wagner is the most experienced and battle-ready military division in Russia, and maybe even in the world”
"As the result of intrigue and bad decisions, our division was supposed to be disbanded by July 1, 2023”
#Russia #Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #RussiaUkraineWar #Wagner #Putin #RussiaCoup #RussiaCivilWar #Prigozhin #News #RussianCoup
#Prigozhin #russia #ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #RussiaUkraineWar #Wagner #Putin #russiacoup #russiacivilwar #news #russiancoup
Putin’s going to go Titus Andronicus on Prigozhin by grinding him into hot dogs that he’ll feed to Prigozhin’s men.
#Putin #Prigozhin #RussianCoup #Lukashenko #Belarus #TitusAndronicus
#titusandronicus #Belarus #lukashenko #russiancoup #prigozhin #Putin
“‘Where’s Prigozhin?’
Don’t concern yourself with him.
Nothing to see here. Move along. We’re expecting men with bone saws.”
~ Lukashenko
#Prigozhin #Lukashenko #Putin #RussianCoup #Belarus
#Belarus #russiancoup #Putin #lukashenko #prigozhin
For a while, Prigozhin was riding so high that he started channeling Julius Caesar AND Edward G. Robinson’s Dathan:
“I led my men into Rostov-on-Don and took control of everything! Without a shot fired.
Whaddaya thinka your Pooty-Poot Peter the Great-wannabe Messiah now?!Rubicon, Schmubicon.
I got yo’ Rubicon, right here, buddy boy!”
#Prigozhin #RostovOnDon #RussianCoup #Putin #UkraineWar #JuliusCaesar #EdwardGRobinson #TalkingSmack
#talkingsmack #edwardgrobinson #JuliusCaesar #UkraineWar #Putin #russiancoup #RostovOnDon #prigozhin
I was wondering if Yevgeny Prigozhin has been practicing, as Douglass Adams put it, throwing yourself at the ground and missing … the idea being that when you missed then you could fly.
It is a skill I think he is going to need in the not to distant future. He should be practicing …
Putin has stumbled into bumbling Bond supervillain territory.
Supervillain Nickname: Mr. Kind.
#Putin #RussianCoup #Prigozhin #JamesBond #Bond #supervillain
#supervillain #Bond #jamesbond #prigozhin #russiancoup #Putin
I suppose Prigozhin will mysteriously fall out of a window within the next few months....
#russiancoup #prigozhin #russia #wagnergroup
“I wish I had a ‘Wagner Group,’ instead of those goofy Proud Boys and those low-energy Oath Keepers. If I did, I’d still be in the Oval Office!”
~ Trump
#DonaldTrump #January6 #AttemptedCoup #ProudBoys #OathKeepers #OathBreakers #Prigozhin #Putin #RussianCoup
#russiancoup #Putin #prigozhin #OathBreakers #oathkeepers #proudboys #attemptedcoup #January6 #DonaldTrump
“What the fuck just happened?!”
~ Putin*
* Nobody heard him say it,
but he PROBABLY said it.
#NobodyHeardHimSayIt #Putin #RussianCoup
#russiancoup #Putin #nobodyheardhimsayit