@rvps2001 This is very interesting phrasing. "And if those screws/cogs are not adjusted, the airplane will fall apart in mid-air". I don't know , much less the ... Was speaking in his own idiosyncratic style or what?

#russianproverbs #russianlanguage #prigozhin

Last updated 1 year ago

Andre Polykanine · @menelion
216 followers · 1010 posts · Server dragonscave.space

Привет всем новоприбывшим! Парочка советов и от меня тоже:
Заполните, пожалуйста, поле «bio» (описание о себе).
Неплохо, если вы где-нибудь там же в Био укажете ваш ник в Твиттере, если он не совпадает с логином здесь. Просьба указывать именно логин после собачки (я, например, многих именно по ним помню, и думаю, я такой не один).
Если постите фото, здесь принято добавлять альтернативный текст: в Мастодоне очень много незрячих людей и тех, кому в принципе больше нравится читать текст. Есть даже инстансы (серверы), где постить картинки без «альта» запрещено админами.
Ну и… ещё раз welcome!

#russianlanguage #TwitterMigration #feditips

Last updated 1 year ago

Andre Polykanine · @menelion
216 followers · 1010 posts · Server dragonscave.space

Ну раз сегодня массовая миграция русскоязычных в Мастодон (если это не так, во всём виноват Алексей @skobkin, который бустит первые посты людей :)), представлюсь снова и по-русски.
Меня зовут Андрей, я разработчик и гик из Украины. Сейчас живу с женой в Мангейме, в Германии. Люблю читать, в основном фантастику и фэнтези всех жанров и научпоп; люблю слушать очень разную музыку, особый интерес питаю к традиционной этнической музыке всех народов мира и классической/академической музыке где-то до начала XX века плюс современный минимализм. Имею жёсткую проукраинскую, проамериканскую и проевропейскую позицию. В свободное время (которого сейчас почти нет) изучаю иностранные языки, так как по образованию я лингвист-переводчик. Не вижу с рождения, хотя обычно не заостряю на этом внимания. Эксперт по адаптивным технологиям и доступности технических решений для незрячих. В этом аккаунте посты в основном по-английски (в Твиттере было два отдельных аккаунта). Всем добро пожаловать.

#introduction #russianlanguage #TwitterMigration

Last updated 1 year ago

PhotoSniperFox · @PhotoSniperFox
26 followers · 237 posts · Server spacey.space

ostensibly to "protect Russian language speakers who were being persecuted by .
Now, Ukrainian are abandoning the use of the out of disgust for 's actions, probably resulting in its extinction in Ukraine.

#putin #russianlanguage #russianspeaking #kyiv #ukraine #invaded #russia

Last updated 1 year ago

irtapil · @irtapil
23 followers · 32 posts · Server lor.sh


it's just not good at auto detecting language

is good at English and Russian, i don't know. if it can detect anything else reliably, it also produces some weird subtitles with local dialects, like channels in a thick Aussie accent.

or at least it's coherent at it can do some automated subtitles that make sense, but i don't know if they're accurate.

if you wanna get excited about YouTube labels, there's "state media" vs "public broadcaster" and the weird way they label

#russianlanguage #aljazeera

Last updated 2 years ago

Ed Casabar · @edcasabar
151 followers · 171 posts · Server qoto.org

How the Russian language has changed because of the war. With English and Russian subtitles.

Worth a listen whether or not you're learning - a podcast from two Russian language instructors who left their country because of the war.

I found this particularly interesting since I posted previously about new Russian vocabulary I've learned since the start of the war.



#russia #languagelearning #russian #россия #russianlanguage #русскийязык

Last updated 2 years ago

Mstdn Kirt · @kirt
177 followers · 213 posts · Server mstdn.social

@kirt@mastodon.social @Kirt@lingo.lol

is working fine here

But I've changed two variables - language and instance - so I'm not sure which was the problem.


automated of in traditional script is producing the same error message on this server.

#हिंदी #हिनदी #serverunavailable #503serverunavailable #hindi #translation #russianlanguage

Last updated 2 years ago

kirt · @kirt
37 followers · 76 posts · Server mstdn.social

copied from my other profile @Kirt@lingo.lol 🔠 I'm also @kirt@mastodon.social 🦣

🧬 Side tracked

🌏 from the region

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 speaker, curious about more than I will ever learn 🇪🇺 🇩🇪 :flag_wbw: 🇮🇳 🇵🇰 🌙 🇲🇹 🇮🇲 🇵🇬

🔠 I can read familiar names in multiple scripts but I am only fluent in English & German is the only other language know well enough to be useful.

🤖 i click "translate" a lot

#tokpisin #manx #maltese #arabic #farsi #urdu #hindi #russianlanguage #German #languages #english #monolingual #westernpacific #biologist #Introduction

Last updated 2 years ago

Mstdn Kirt · @kirt
177 followers · 213 posts · Server mstdn.social

copied from my other profile @Kirt@lingo.lol 🔠 I'm also @kirt@mastodon.social 🦣

🧬 Side tracked

🌏 from the region

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 speaker, curious about more than I will ever learn 🇪🇺 🇩🇪 :flag_wbw: 🇮🇳 🇵🇰 🌙 🇲🇹 🇮🇲 🇵🇬

🔠 I can read familiar names in multiple scripts but I am only fluent in English & German is the only other language know well enough to be useful.

🤖 i click "translate" a lot

#tokpisin #manx #maltese #arabic #farsi #urdu #hindi #russianlanguage #German #languages #english #monolingual #westernpacific #biologist #Introduction

Last updated 2 years ago

kirt · @kirt
37 followers · 75 posts · Server mstdn.social

copied from another profile @Kirt@lingo.lol 🦣 I'm also @kirt@mastodon.social

🧬 Side tracked biologist

🥄 Looking for my niche

🌏 Western Pacific

speaker, curious about more than I will ever learn 🇪🇺 :flag_bwb: 🇮🇳 🇮🇲 🇵🇬

🔠 So far I can read familiar names in multiple scripts but I am only fluent in English & German is the only other language know well enough to be useful.

🤖 i click "translate" a lot

#tokpisin #manx #maltese #arabic #farsi #urdu #hindi #russianlanguage #German #languages #english #monolingual #intro

Last updated 2 years ago

· @StefanBlasel
191 followers · 1346 posts · Server machteburch.social

@Alfclaw for try this interactive audio course languagetransfer.org/free-cour , for give busuu a try, for listening in russian try the YT channel 1420 with englisch subtitle

#learninggerman #russianlanguage

Last updated 2 years ago

Jonathan D. Abolins · @JonAbolins
257 followers · 745 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

«Moscow's Invasion Of Ukraine Triggers 'Soul-Searching' At Western Universities As Scholars Rethink Russian Studies» Should the focus upon & be at the expanse of other countries & languages in the region?


#russia #russianlanguage #russocentric #decolonisationeurasia #decolonisation #slavicstudies #academics

Last updated 2 years ago

🦇missa🦇 · @sphynx
545 followers · 72 posts · Server infosec.exchange

Does anyone know where/if I can get a copy of any/all of the Star Wars movies dubbed in Russian? I found exactly one listing on eBay recently, but it was a bit pricey. Outside of pirating it, anyone know of any places to check (online, or even maybe a local store somewhere I can call and have it shipped?)


Last updated 2 years ago

Ed Casabar · @edcasabar
119 followers · 94 posts · Server qoto.org

December 21, 2022. Day 300 of Putin’s “special military operation” in . Part of my studies. New vocabulary that I’ve learned since the 24th of February. How sad.

21 декабря́, 2022-го го́да. 300-й день «специа́льной вое́нной опера́ции» Пу́тина в Украи́не. Часть своего́ изуче́ния ру́сского языка́. Но́вая ле́ксика, кото́рую я узна́л с 24-го Фебраля́. Как гру́стно.

and – Zed, derived from the phrase “за побе́ду” (za pobédu, “for victory”). Zed patriót: a person who unequivocally supports Russia’s military and the war in Ukraine. The letter Z doesn’t exist in the Russian alphabet. It is often colored in the orange and black stripes of the Ribbon of St. George, which had previously been used to honor Russian WW2 veterans but has since been adopted as part of Russia’s current propaganda.

o Painted white onto military vehicles to distinguish Russian military equipment from Ukrainian, since both armies still use Soviet era equipment

o Painted onto doors of Russians opposed to the war as a sign of intimidation

o ? (Z zachyém)- Z why?, an anti-war symbol during protests

(Bakhmútskaya myasorúbka)– Bakhmut meat grinder, see also пу́шечное мя́со

(bespilótnik)– unmanned aerial vehicle, another word for дрон (drone), also дрон камика́дзе (drón kamidádze; kamikaze drone)

(bézhenets)- refugee

(bomboubyézhishche)– air raid (bomb) shelter

(vátnik)– a standard issue padded winter jacket originally used by the Soviet military that was also distributed to prisoners of the gulags. The jacket became a black-eyed, disheveled, Sponge Bob-like internet meme as a pejorative for a steadfast, jingoistic follower of Russian propaganda.

(gosudárstvo spónsor terrorísma)– state sponsor of terrorism

(krilátaya rakyéta)– cruise missile

(человек) (mobilizávannii chelovyék) - a mobilized one (person)

(móbik) - slang word for a mobilized person

(nyet mogilizátsii)- No to grave-ization. A play on the words мобилиза́ция (mobilization) and моги́ла (grave). In Russia, used as an internet meme calling for protests against mobilization

(Донба́сса к Росси́и) (prisoedinyénie Donbássa k Rossíi)– annexation (of Donbass to [by] Russia)

(púshechnoe myáso)— cannon-fodder, literally cannon meat

(radioactívnie osádki) - nuclear fallout, literally radioactive precipitation

(spezoperázia)– contraction of the two words специа́льная (special) опера́ция (operation). Long form: специа́льная вое́нная опера́ция (spetziálnaya voénnaya operátsia), special military operation. Russian abbreviation: СВО.

(yádernaya voiná) - nuclear war

(yádernoye orúzhie)- nuclear weapon



Maps from the New York Times and the Institute For The Study of War.

#ukraine #Мобилизова́нный #Мо́бик #Пу́шечноеМя́со #я́дерноеОру́жие #russia #russian #languagelearning #langtoot #русскийязык #україна #украина #russianlanguage #z #ZПатрио́т #Бомбоубе́жище #Ва́тник #Госуда́рствоСпо́нсорТеррори́зма #Крыла́таяРаке́та #Zзаче́м #Бахму́тскаяМясору́бка #Беспило́тник #Бе́женец #НетМогилиза́ции #Присоедине́ние #Радиоакти́вныеОса́дки #Спецопера́зия #я́дернаяВойна́

Last updated 2 years ago

Esperante radio & Vlad Vorobev · @omdaru
72 followers · 493 posts · Server mastodon.social

youtube.com/watch?v=iHMpR38EWG Ward number 6 by Anton - rus-eng mp3 "You see, so the reacted to an irritation.. you must have an indignant, compassionate soul.. responded to reality by weeping, smiling, grieving, being wrathful, even anguished; he didn’t go to meet suffering with a smile, nor did he scorn death, but he prayed..for this cup to pass from him .. goodreads.com/book/show/5693.S

#chekhov #russianliterature #russianlanguage #paralleltext #audiobook #intercultural #stoics #jesus #christ #stoicism

Last updated 2 years ago

Esperante radio & Vlad Vorobev · @omdaru
28 followers · 279 posts · Server mastodon.social
Esperante radio & Vlad Vorobev · @omdaru
28 followers · 279 posts · Server mastodon.social
BatCat · @batcat
41 followers · 54 posts · Server mas.to

Fave new Russian vocab:

which more or less means...


Pronounced 'tygydyk,' it's an onomatopoeia for a horse's gallop

#its3amandnowyouwanttoplay #zoomies #cats #russianlanguage

Last updated 2 years ago

BatCat · @batcat
24 followers · 25 posts · Server mas.to

Fave new Russian vocab:

which more or less means...


Pronounced 'tygydyk,' it's an onomatopoeia for a horse's gallop

#zoomies #cats #russianlanguage

Last updated 2 years ago

Esperante radio & Vlad Vorobev · @omdaru
28 followers · 281 posts · Server mastodon.social