Thursday's book of the day is:
#NikolaiChernyshevsky #RussianLiterature #Russiannovels
#russiannovels #russianliterature #nikolaichernyshevsky
Is Nikolai Leskov about to get his due in the English-language world? Yelena Furman
writes about this overlooked master: #RussianLiterature #LiteratureInTranslation #NikolaiLeskov
#russianliterature #LiteratureInTranslation #nikolaileskov
In the Washington Post, Sophie Pinkham writes about “Marlene Dietrich’s favorite writer, the Russian-Ukrainian-Polish-Turkish Konstantin Paustovsky, who witnessed WW1, the revolution, and the civil war but never lost his eye for the beauty of the natural world.” #MarleneDietrich #KonstantinPaustovsky #russianliterature #ww1Lit
#marlenedietrich #konstantinpaustovsky #russianliterature #ww1lit
“Only when, one day, the former forester caught her reading books (she was really reading, not leafing through them), the old man’s heart was roused. He grasped that right beside him, imperceptibly, someone who might be stronger than he was had settled in and, living harmoniously with him until the appointed time, would, sooner or later, challenge him.”
Iliazd, Rapture, 1930.
[Tr. Thomas J. Kitson]
“I’m too much past my prime for a daughter,” he would repeat. “Just think, in about sixteen years, when my daughter starts blooming, who will I be? A decrepit old man who doesn’t excite any rapt admiration! Will she really grasp how handsome I had once been? […] I need a son: what will my mug and my goiter matter to him? He’ll respect me and find his mother still beautiful”
Iliazd, Rapture, 1930.
[Tr. Thomas J. Kitson] Esperantigita de Guglo en 2023- Google translated into Esperanto - Majstro kaj Margarita - Mihail Bulgakov-kursive-cenzuritaj vortoj.epub " Mi, hegemono, diris, ke la templo de la malnova kredo disfalos kaj kreiĝos nova templo de la vero.
Kial vi, vagabondo rakontas pri la vero, pri kiu vi ne scias? Kio estas vero?
La vero estas, antaŭ ĉio, ke via kapo doloras kaj doloras tiel forte, ke vi malkuraĝe pensas pri morto. #esperanto #googletranslated #russianLiterature
#esperanto #googletranslated #russianliterature Doktoro Jhivago - Boris #Pasternak-Esperantigita de Guglo.epub #Esperanto #GoogleTranslated #russianLiterature "Jarcentoj kaj generacioj libere spiris nur post Kristo. Nur post li la vivo komenciĝis en la idaro, kaj homo mortas ne sur la strato sub barilo, sed en sia propra historio, meze de laboro, dediĉita al venkado de morto...
#pasternak #esperanto #googletranslated #russianliterature
“At its best, ‘The Story of a Life’ rivals any autobiography in world literature. Its hero is imagination itself. While the Soviets professed absolute certainty regarding all important questions of life, Paustovsky detected mystery, complexity and hidden poetry everywhere.”
Gary Saul Morson raves about Douglas Smith's translation of Konstantin Paustovsky's Story of a Life in The Wall Street Journal
#RussianLiterature #memoir #KonstantinPaustovsky #LitInTranslation
#russianliterature #memoir #konstantinpaustovsky #LitInTranslation
»Wir verzehren nicht jeden Tag eine Tochter, folglich ist es für uns alle heute nicht leicht. Aber es ist auch erfreulich. Also freuen wir uns! [...] Herrschaften, ich hasse es, Trinksprüche auszubringen. Aber eben deshalb trinke ich auf die Überwindung der Grenzen! Ich freue mich, wenn ihr euch anschließt!«
Vladimir Sorokin, Nastja, 2022. [Üb. Dorothea Trottenberg]
#amreading #sorokin #russianliterature Z-Zombie or how the corpse of the Soviet world came to life - Vladimir #Sorokin, Andrey Arkhangelsky Google - translated from 23.01.2023 "You said that the corpse of the #Soviet world was not buried in the 1990s and continued to rot in the corner all these years. But now the corpse got up and went to kill. Z- #Zombies ... And now he is destroying other people's cities, threatening the world with a nuclear club. #putinism #russia #russianLiterature
#sorokin #soviet #zombies #putinism #russia #russianliterature #BenjaminMcEvoy: How to Read #Tolstoy's #WarAndPeace #russianLiterature #literature #bookstodon #books
#benjaminmcevoy #tolstoy #warandpeace #russianliterature #literature #bookstodon #books NEW! 29.12.2022
19-#Letters-1875-1886 - Anton #Chekhov-#GoogleTranslated.#epub #ebook download - to be continued.. "4. M. M. CHEKHOV January 1, 1877 Taganrog. Exactly 12 o'clock, 1877. Night.
Dear Brother Misha! …There is a crack, and along with the smoke the following words fly straight to Moscow: “Let this shot dissipate like smoke, all your hardships and let peace and money come to replace them!”
#nonfiction #russianLiterature #russianHistory
#letters #chekhov #googletranslated #epub #ebook #nonfiction #russianliterature #russianhistory
Sopiro ( Kristnaska rakonto) 1886 ( gugletradukita) en #Esperanto #Christmas #Chekhov #russianLiterature
Al kiu mi kantos mian malĝojon?
#esperanto #christmas #chekhov #russianliterature
…there was something ascetic about his personality which aligns him with his patron saint, Antony, the founder of Christian monasticism.. To lead an ascetic life, but also to carry out heroic feats to bring benefit to others, as he believed Przhevalsky did, was Chekhov's ideal, and what propelled him to write his book about the penal colony on Sakhalin.. #Chekhov: Scenes from a Life by #RosamundBartlett #nonfiction #RussianLiterature #books #bookstodon #literature
#chekhov #rosamundbartlett #nonfiction #russianliterature #books #bookstodon #literature
#introduction Hi! I’m Erik, and I teach Russian language, art, culture, and poetry.
On Twitter I mostly listened to people talking about Russian culture or Minneapolis, US, and world politics. I like learning about other languages and literatures, history, urbanism, epidemiology.
can more or less communicate in English / русский язык / français / język polski /español
slowly trying to learn 中文 / português / українська мова / Deutsch
#introduction #minneapolis #mnastodon #russianliterature #translation The Quiet Rebels of Russian #Translation - In conversation with #LarissaVolokhonsky and #RichardPevear - "Credited with starting a “quiet revolution,” Volokhonsky, who is Russian, and Pevear, who is American, have been married 33 years. In that time, they have translated much of #RussianLiterature as we know it...lauded for restoring the idiosyncrasies of the originals... In 2004 Oprah Winfrey chose their translation of #AnnaKarenina for her book club #books #bookstodon
#translation #larissavolokhonsky #richardpevear #russianliterature #annakarenina #books #bookstodon
"..#Chekhov is the bearer of the greatest banner that has been raised in the thousand years of #Russian history – the banner of a true, humane, Russian democracy, of Russian freedom, of the dignity of the Russian man..Let's begin with respect, compassion and love for the individual…The Russians have seen everything during the last thousand years – but what they have never seen is democracy..
#RussianLiterature #books #bookstodon #Russia Life and Fate by #VasilyGrossman
#chekhov #russian #russianliterature #books #bookstodon #russia #VasilyGrossman
..A sledge driver in midwinter is mourning the death of his son but no one will listen sympathetically to his story..Iona’s misery “is immense, beyond all bounds,” ..He goes into the stables where his mare is standing…. Now, suppose you had a little colt, and you were mother and he died…. Iona is carried away and tells her all about it..
Misery-a #ShortStory by Anton #Chekhov (1886) #RussianLiterature #bookstodon
#shortstory #chekhov #russianliterature #bookstodon
Vague recollection that my Hons. diss. at Glasgow in '79 was an embarrassing (in retrospect) comparison of short stories of Gogol/Dostoevsky. (Sheesh, hope sumb'dy's burned it)
Wish I'd known about James Hogg's 'Confessions' beforehand. How differently things could have turned out . . .
#glasgowuniversity #scottishliterature #duality #russianliterature #histodons #dostoevsky #gogol #confessionsofajustifiedsinner #jameshogg "Bob Blaisdell’s “Chekhov Becomes Chekhov” does exactly what its title promises: It tracks—story by story, month by month, sometimes day by day—how Anton Pavlovich #Chekhov (1860-1904), the Moscow doctor whose caustic stories changed the face of modern fiction, found his literary voice... Chekhov Becomes Chekhov: The Emergence of a Literary Genius
by #BobBlaisdell #nonfiction #RussianLiterature #books #bookstodon #RussianHistory
#chekhov #bobblaisdell #nonfiction #russianliterature #books #bookstodon #russianhistory