Podcasts and Vodcasts · @podcastbot
1 followers · 1255 posts · Server botsin.space

Skeptoid #263: Anastasia by Brian Dunning The Grand Duchess Anastasia did not survive her family's 1918 execution, and did not go on to live in the US.

#anastasia #russianrevolution #annaanderson #tsarnicholas #skeptoidpodcast #podcast #bot

Last updated 1 year ago

Jim Wald · @CitizenWald
1280 followers · 3431 posts · Server historians.social

Speaking of historian of John-Paul Himka, he has a nice series of short historical essays for the general public on the website of the Ukraine Solidarity Campaign.

Most recently:

The Ukrainian Nation in the Time of Lenin, Hitler, and Stalin


#ukraine #russianrevolution #wwii #communism #nazism

Last updated 1 year ago

schalken · @schalken
63 followers · 492 posts · Server kolektiva.social


Interesting article about Soviet-German military cooperation in the 1920s. The contention is that the Soviet Union helped re-arm Germany for World War 2. Just one more glaring example of the compromises the Soviet state had to make in the face of material circumstances, starting with the peace treaty with Germany.

No comment from me except to quote "Why Russia Isn't Socialist" by the International Communist Party, in particular a paragraph which excellently summarizes the tragic course of the Russian Revolution:

"If the revolution had succeeded in Germany, the soviet power would have been able to abide by the concessions already made to private capitalism and the Russian peasantry, and overcome all the social consequences, but to renounce the European Revolution, like Stalin, was to give free rein to capitalist relations in Russia, and to give the classes who would be the immediate beneficiaries supremacy over the proletariat. This section of the proletariat, in an extreme minority, decimated by the war against the whites, and bound by a crushing task of production had one weapon only against the speculators and the greed of the peasants: the hammer of the Soviet State. This state, however, could only remain proletarian in so far as it united with the International Proletariat against reactionary strata inside Russia. To decide that Russia was going to create 'its' Socialism all by itself, was to abandon the Russian proletariat to the immense pressure of non-proletarian classes and to free Russian capitalism from all controls and restraints. What's more, it was to transform the Russian State into an ordinary state. An ordinary state endeavouring to make Russia into a great bourgeois nation as quickly as possible."

- redtexts.org/html/icp_1970_why

#socialism #communism #russianrevolution #CommunistLeft #leftcommunism

Last updated 1 year ago

The wiki about the Makhnovshchina is pretty fascinating. Mentions Donbas, Kherson, Counteroffensives, extra-governmental armies... so many echoes.

#russiaukrainewar #russia #ukraine #mennonite #war #russianrevolution #ukrainianrevolution #communism #anarchism

Last updated 1 year ago

Jeroen · @Jeroen
35 followers · 622 posts · Server mastodon.vlaanderen

It looks a lot like , when the hit.
To be fair: the Czar and his empire fought a war for 3 years and were less popular before the war. The Germans also had to find Lenin in Switserland and send him, by train and via Sweden and Finland, towards Russia.
was already in when the war began and had even an army under his control.

#wwi #russianrevolution #prighozjin #russia

Last updated 1 year ago

Philip John Kelly · @PJK66
1 followers · 6 posts · Server mastodon.scot
Wayne B. Carlson · @Rhubarbarian
59 followers · 1551 posts · Server mastodon.sdf.org
Wayne B. Carlson · @Rhubarbarian
59 followers · 1551 posts · Server mastodon.sdf.org


#russianrevolution #ukraine #UkraineRussianWar #slavaUkraine #prigozhin #wagner

Last updated 1 year ago

SanchoPanza · @SanchoPanza
23 followers · 794 posts · Server mastodon.sdf.org

@therealfakemoot @fmhilton
So...I guess the answer is NOT to play their game with their rules.

#americanrevolution #frenchrevolution #russianrevolution

Last updated 1 year ago

Jim Wald · @CitizenWald
1122 followers · 2226 posts · Server historians.social


It was ironic that I was teaching about the / October Revolution (1st task: explain Julian versus Gregorian calendar!) on the anniversary of the establishment of the (2 March 1919)

Didn't even have time to discuss the history of the previous Internationals in detail, though I did explain the splits in the socialist movement, 1905-1917 over issues of radical action vs. reform & social democracy vs. communism, so that probably sufficed for their needs


#russianrevolution #comintern

Last updated 2 years ago

Jim Wald · @CitizenWald
1122 followers · 2220 posts · Server historians.social

As you may be able to tell, our class has now reached the era of the

So, continuing our exploration of student (as always: descriptive, not proscriptive!):

1) As I expected, "Battleship Potemkin" was something completely new to them. They were suitably moved by the famous scene on the Odessa steps


(but why I did I first have to admonish a couple of them focused on their laptops or phones to turn toward the screen? WTF)


#russianrevolution #cultural #literacy

Last updated 2 years ago

Robert Henderson · @BobHenderson
34 followers · 95 posts · Server mastodon.scot
Jim Wald · @CitizenWald
1004 followers · 1519 posts · Server historians.social

For , some gems (2)

From an old purveyor of material on that other site, some years ago.

Personally, I'd much rather kill a tsar than a cat, but hey, that's just me.


#caturday #historical #soviet #russianrevolution #communism #lenin #cats #catsofmastodon

Last updated 2 years ago

Trombalazana · @trombalazana
69 followers · 187 posts · Server historians.social
BowieBookClub · @BookClub
114 followers · 263 posts · Server mastodon.social

“We are living through wild times…it is hard for the people of our generation to adapt…”
This quote from Sergi Semenov in midst of the reminds me
”A People’s Tragedy” by Orlando Figes for the

#russianrevolution #historyrepeatsitself #amreading #bowiebookclub #historybooks

Last updated 2 years ago

Jim Wald · @CitizenWald
851 followers · 863 posts · Server historians.social

This is how British readers (or at least many of them: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Grap) learned about the world situation as 1917 drew to a close

The Graphic, 22 December 1917, reports on the unfolding as 's new regime attempts to extricate itself from the war: It concluded an with the Central Powers on 15 December, and on 22 began the negotiations that led to the harsh Peace of Brest-Litovsk


#bolshevik #revolution #lenin #armistice #wwi #russia #russianrevolution #stpetersburg #petrograd

Last updated 2 years ago

Seasiders2 · @seasiders2
154 followers · 642 posts · Server aus.social

Among my stuff.

If I am around for a long as this note I will have more stories than I have about it. I understand it is a 5 Russian Rubles bank note from 1909. After the 1917 revolution it found its way to America. To its ignominy it became a promotional item for the Studiobaker Automobile distributor Chester N Weaver Co. Since about 1925 it has been lying about in drawers here in Australia unmoved except for a look today, or the year after next.

Does any reader know more about the history of its cousins? Or do they have a history of Chester N Weaver? Studebaker cars might ring a bell with you. Was the company American wide

Apart from being interesting is there more to know?

Perhaps it is time for another Russian revolution.

, , , , , ,

#russianrubles #banknotes #money #socialhistory #russia #russianrevolution #usa #america

Last updated 2 years ago