The mouth of the Russian River is always magical, but especially today. Fewer seals than usual but what a gathering of pelicans on the sand spit! On the order of 2000 I think.
#jenner #russianriver #pelicans
Photos of the remaining right of way for what used to be the Northwestern Pacific Railway heading east from Monte Rio. The hill adjacent to this is owned by the now infamous Bohemian Grove.
#monterio #northwesternpacificrailroad #bohemiangrove #russianriver
Today I explored the old Northwestern Pacific Railway just outside of Monte Rio. I followed it up to where it crossed the Russian River. My historical map is fully accurate, as I could also see where it crossed the river.
Seems like there is a side spur that heads south. Requires more investigation. Photos next.
#monterio #russianriver #northwesternpacificrailroad #historicalresearch #qgis
Tuesday’s walk was a discovery hike behind Riverfront Regional Park. We were told about a Blue Heron nesting area.
The standing water is the Russian River. Was that a Sonoma "County" No Trespassing sign? Huh. Wonder how the county can be private?
#riverfrontregionalpark #russianriver #blueheron
One of my favorite local hikes is the #FreezeOut trail along the #RussianRiver. Starts by following the Freezeout creek and valley, then climbs up through forested hills to a plateau that runs along the ridge, with views to Jenner, on the coast.
#freezeout #russianriver #darktable
One of my favorite local hikes is the #FreezeOut trail along the #RussianRiver. Starts by following the Freezeout valley, it then climbs up onto a plateau with views all the way to the coast.
FROM KGO ABC 7 San Francisco - “North Bay fire chief's prediction for flooding along Russian River: 'Disaster proportions'”
#sfo #northbay #sonoma #russianriver #santarosa #cawx
The Russian, rushing and muddy, on its way to a big flood next week. #RussianRiver #AtmosphericRiver #Storm #California #Winter #Flood
#russianriver #atmosphericriver #storm #California #Winter #flood
Excerpt from #nixlealert a few minutes ago regarding #evacuations for residents near the #RussianRiver between #Healdsburg and #Jenner. #SonomaCounty #Floodwatch #WinterStorms #Flood
#nixlealert #evacuations #russianriver #healdsburg #jenner #sonomacounty #floodwatch #WinterStorms #flood
I've lived through many storms and floods here in northern California over the past fifty years. But I've never seen these kinds of warnings from our local meteorologists and the NWS. It seems that the level of winds combined with the rain will be unusual for our area, and we're not quite prepared. Of course, the local media tends to sensationalize, but even so, I hope people are taking this seriously, just in case.
#SonomaCounty #Floods #SantaRosa #storm #poweroutage #RussianRiver
#sonomacounty #floods #santarosa #storm #poweroutage #russianriver