Shawl (Alexey Pajitnov/AcademySoft, 1986) #DOSGaming #RussianVideogames #SovietVideogames
#dosgaming #russianvideogames #sovietvideogames
Destroyer (Rodion Dementiev, Andrey Dementiev, Roman Petrov/InterComplex, 1993) #DOSGaming #RussianVideogames
RIP Andrey "KranK" Kuzmin, founder of Russian studio K-D Lab and a designer/programmer behind Biprolex, Vangers, and Perimeter.
#KDLab #Vangers #Вангеры
#russianvideogames #kdlab #vangers #вангеры
Clax (Dmitry Pavlovsky, 1985) #DOSGaming #RussianVideogames #SovietVideogames
#dosgaming #russianvideogames #sovietvideogames
Intro sequence from "Огородное Ремесло" (Garden Craft), a 1998 real time strategy by a 17 year old Rudolf Lachinov, a Russian emigrant to Latvia, written in Turbo Pascal. #DOSGaming #RussianVideogames
30 years ago, in 1992, Russia's main TV news program Время (Time) showed a clip from Vadim Bashurov's new DOS game "The Battle on the Black Sea" (Battleship in a fictional Russian-Ukrainian conflict) and said it was "inciting a war between brotherly nations".
Призрак старого парка/Escape from the Haunted House/Old Park Ghost (Windows 3.x, Windows 9x, 1997)
#NotDOS #RussianVideogames
Pretty much a Russian "The 7th Guest meets Myst".
Screenshots from the Russian shareware game "Highway Fighter" before Safari Software picked it up, had the devs replace the art, changed the text into proper English, and released it as "Highway Hunter" through Epic MegaGames.
#DOSGaming #RussianVideogames
All four 90s fps games by the Razbakov twins:
#RussianVideogames #DOSGaming #NotDOS
Старое золото/Old Gold 3D (MS-DOS, 1995)
Подземелья Кремля/Dungeons of Kremlin (MS-DOS, 1995)
Смута/Smuta (Windows 3.x/Windows 9x, 1996)
Raising Dead (Windows 9x, 1999)
#russianvideogames #notdos #dosgaming
Смута - Ожившие Мертвецы/Подземелья Кремля II/Smuta - Living Dead/Dungeons of Kremlin II/The Times of Trouble (Windows 3.x/Windows 9x, 1996) #NotDOS #RussianVideogames
Братья Пилоты: Дело о серийном маньяке/Pilot Brothers 2: The Case of Serial Maniac Sumo (Windows 3.x/Windows 9x, 1998) #NotDOS #RussianVideogames