"Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group" is a recognized form of GENOCIDE.
See the United Nation's fact sheet on genocide.
Russia is committing genocide against the people of Ukraine.
#Russia #Ukraine #RussianWarCrimes
#RussianWarCrimesInUkraine #Genocide
#russia #ukraine #RussianWarCrimes #russianwarcrimesinukraine #genocide
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@POTUS @WhiteHouse @SecBlinken @SecDef @Elysee @10DowningStreet @RishiSunak @OlafScholz @EmmanuelMacron @Bundeskanzler
#RussiaIsATerroristState #RussianWarCrimesInUkraine
RT @ruinwanderer
Consequences of Russia hitting Bakhmut with white phosphorus. Will this remain unpunished?
#russiaisaterroriststate #russianwarcrimesinukraine
Fascistic, genocidal rusha is just destructive & evil – their usual modus operandi since ages ago…
#RussiaIsATerroristState #RussianWarCrimesInUkraine
RT @rshereme
Video from Bakhmut. Russians are attacking the city with incendiary and phosphorus munitions. They cannot capture the city, so they are trying to burn it to the ground. Russian terrorism at face value.
#russiaisaterroriststate #russianwarcrimesinukraine
#RussiaIsANaziState #RussianWarCrimesInUkraine
RT @mhmck
The Russian fascist invaders have set up a torture chamber in Chaplynka in temporarily-occupied Kherson region. In the police station, they hold up to ten captive civilians, including minors. There are cases when kidnapped people were tortured to death by Russian terrorists.
#russiaisanazistate #russianwarcrimesinukraine
RT @neoopnlis
Більшість мешканців #Лисичанськ , що залишилися в місті, отримують зараз російські паспорти, виїжджаючи для цього в Алчевськ. Це безперечна умова окупаційної влади для отримання зарплат, соціальних виплат та іншої допомоги. #RussianWarCrimesInUkraine
#Лисичанськ #russianwarcrimesinukraine
🤬#RussiaIsANaziMafia #RussianWarCrimesInUkraine
RT @Podolyak_M
Mariupol-2023. After "liberation" by the Russian army. The totally destroyed and burned city. And in the center – three "exemplary houses" to film propaganda...
"A Potemkin village on Ukrainian bones." The Russian classic: kill and then build bloody scenery.
#russiaisanazimafia #russianwarcrimesinukraine
😢#RussiaIsATerroristState #RussianWarCrimesInUkraine
RT @DenesTorteli
"The video shows the consequences of the hostile shelling of Bilozerka by the Russian army. The hospital and about 30 households were damaged. Unfortunately, a 57-year-old woman died in the rubble, and three other people were injured," said Oleksandr Prokudin, head of the… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1652270949062832128
#russiaisaterroriststate #russianwarcrimesinukraine
#RussiaIsATerroristState #RussianWarCrimesInUkraine
RT @albafella1
Another russian war crime.
The occupiers fired a projectile at the center of Donetsk to divert attention from Uman.
Russian shell hit the bus, there are dead
It is reported that 7 people died. The invaders, meanwhile, had already run to trumpet that the projectile had been… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1651923097400799232
#russiaisaterroriststate #russianwarcrimesinukraine
#RussiaIsATerroristState #RussianWarCrimesInUkraine
RT @IuliiaMendel
😢These are the killed woman and her child in Dnipro after a 🇷🇺missile attack
The photo of the young woman and her 2-year-old child was published by her cousin.#StandWithUkraine
#russiaisaterroriststate #russianwarcrimesinukraine #standwithukraine
#RussiaIsATerroristState #RussianWarCrimesInUkraine
RT @MargoGontar
A body of a child is found.
23 killed in russian attack on Uman today.
4 of them are children.
photo, source: Ukraine's Ministry of Interior
#russiaisaterroriststate #russianwarcrimesinukraine
#RussiaIsABarbarianState #RussianWarCrimesInUkraine
RT @reshetz
I don’t want to fucking live in this world
#russiaisabarbarianstate #russianwarcrimesinukraine
#RussiaIsANaziMafia #RussianWarCrimesInUkraine
RT @reshetz
russian soldiers discuss looting gold from dead Ukrainians and “feeling disdain” when it comes to taking out golden teeth. This is for people who still feel sorry for russian soldiers
#russiaisanazimafia #russianwarcrimesinukraine
#RussiaIsANaziState #RussianWarCrimesInUkraine
RT @TreasChest
😡Putin signed a decree according to which people in the occupied territories of Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions who have not accepted Russian citizenship will be recognized as foreigners and may be deported if they "create a threat to the national security of… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1651639980488368148
#russiaisanazistate #russianwarcrimesinukraine
#RussiaIsATerroristState #RussianWarCrimesInUkraine
RT @yarko
Tonight the Russian Army attacked residential buildings of Mykoliav with Kalibr missiles. As of now, 23 are injured, and 1 is dead. Russian Army continues doing what they do best – murdering defenseless civilians in their sleep.
#russiaisaterroriststate #russianwarcrimesinukraine
#RussiaIsANaziMafia #RussianWarCrimesInUkraine
RT @usosce
From what we have seen in Bucha, Kherson, Kharkiv, & elsewhere in 🇺🇦, it’s rather clear that 🇷🇺’s brutality won’t stop until 🇺🇦 is able to regain control of its territory. The people of Melitopol remain unbent, their belief in liberation still alive. https://bit.ly/445f7gX
#russiaisanazimafia #russianwarcrimesinukraine
#RussiaIsANaziState #RussianWarCrimesInUkraine
RT @Lyla_lilas
Photos on his phone are all that 12-year-old Sasha from Mariupol has left from his sister and mother. The boy was wounded in the eye during the shelling of the city, his mother took him to the Ilyich plant to the doctors, leaving her daughter with her grandparents.
When the… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1650210993589420034
#russiaisanazistate #russianwarcrimesinukraine
#RussiaIsABarbaricState #RussianWarCrimesInUkraine 🤬
RT @Lyla_lilas
“Wagner has no rules. We tortured soldiers. We were told not to take prisoners, but simply to shoot them on the spot,” ex-Wagner mercenary Savichev told to The Guardian
According to him, "executions" of Ukrainian prisoners of war took place during all 6 months of his stay at… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1649117771689492516
#russiaisabarbaricstate #russianwarcrimesinukraine
#RussiaIsATerroristState #RussianWarCrimesInUkraine
RT @khpg
Russian troops attacked the border villages of Hremyachka and Halahanivka in Chernihiv Region. One person was killed and two others were wounded, the press service of the operational command "North" reports.
#russiaisaterroriststate #russianwarcrimesinukraine
R.I.P. Serhij🕯️😭🇺🇦
#RussiaIsABarbaricState #RussianWarCrimesInUkraine
RT @albafella1
The soldier who was beheaded by the Russians in Bakhmut came from Zakarpattia Oblast, Vynohradiv, Ukraine.
Szerhij Pataki (in Ukrainian transliteration Potoki) lived with his wife, six-year-old daughter and one-and-a-half-year-old son in a city of 25,000 people, whose quarter… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1649089374590582792
#russiaisabarbaricstate #russianwarcrimesinukraine
😡#RussiaIsANaziState #RussianWarCrimesInUkraine
RT @ManiacMagic1
In Sloviansk, the death toll has risen to 5 people, with 15 more injured. There is a possibility that seven people, including one child, are trapped under the rubble.
#russiaisanazistate #russianwarcrimesinukraine