The #RussianWilderness. It's not very big, but packs a punch. I hadn't been and found my way from the south via the #PacificCrestTrail. For my 1st day of 3 #backpacking, one of the jewels of the area: Russian Lake.
The post is here:
#hiking #nature #landscape #travel #hike #outside #mountains #Califronia #KlamathNationalForest
#KlamathNF #RussianLake #SyphonLake #WaterdogLake #lake #randompond #butterfly #fish #SiskiyouCounty #publiclands #granite #PCT
#russianwilderness #pacificcresttrail #backpacking #hiking #nature #landscape #travel #hike #outside #mountains #califronia #klamathnationalforest #klamathnf #russianlake #syphonlake #waterdoglake #lake #randompond #butterfly #fish #siskiyoucounty #publiclands #granite #pct
Going all #SitClub at the top of Etna Mountain (not to be confused with Mount Etna) with the #RussianWilderness and #MarbleMountainWilderness and a bit of #TrinityAlpsWilderness and #SiskiyouWilderness all in view. The #PCT is busy in both directions right now, but it gets quiet quickly with the littlest turn off. Oh, yeah, #MountShastaWilderness too. #mountains #California
#sitclub #russianwilderness #marblemountainwilderness #trinityalpswilderness #siskiyouwilderness #pct #mountshastawilderness #mountains #california