MugsysRapSheet Blog ☑️ · @MugsysRapSheet
237 followers · 1581 posts · Server

Watching the . Republicans are STILL pointing to "The " as an example of an "unjustified unjust prosecution".

Are they saying , & (his campaign manger whose last job was a lobbyist for and was working for free) *didn't* meet with a team of IN Trump Tower to receive stolen "dirt" on Hillary?

*wasn't* meeting with Russians? *didn't* give polling data to Kalimnik?

The T**** WH handstrapped .

#sundayshows #russiaprobe #djtj #kushner #manafort #russia #russians #carterpage #mueller #thisweek

Last updated 1 year ago

Drew Mochak · @objectinspace
104 followers · 16358 posts · Server

RT No prison time for , due to his "substantial assistance" in 's .

Ever wished you could see grill ? He did back in 2016. Watch the full intv

#michaelflynn #mueller #russiaprobe #flynn

Last updated 6 years ago