@russiatoday Meanwhile, #Russian military leaders make the same losing moves over and over yet expect a different outcome. Are all #Russians this insane or just #PutinTheDotard
#russian #russians #putinthedotard #navalny #russiatodaylies #putinsashes #pussyriot
@russiatoday Idiotic war paralizes #Russia from day one yet they allow their so-called leaders to further destroy their country. The Russian military is so ineffective they are badly losing despite their "superiority".
Are #Russians really that stupid?
#russia #russians #putinsashes #navalny #pussyriot #russiatodaylies
@russiatoday Meanwhgile, the alleged #Russian "leader" is shitting his pants because children are drawing pictures.
What an international embarassment inmpotent #Putin is to all Russians. Yet they put up with him while he destroys their country. Are Russians really that stupid?
#russian #putin #navalny #putinsashes #russiatodaylies #putinbaby