· @dbread
15 followers · 71 posts · Server qoto.org

Someone posted this to my federation stream. But the stream is so fast, I can't find the toot any more. So here is my sum:

Russion zero day firm offers 1.5 million $ for a Signal remote-code-execution exploit :ablobcatrainbow:

firm offers 1.5 million $ for a

#zero #day #rce #russion #signal #exploit #0day #signalapp #remote #code #execution

Last updated 2 years ago

salzlete · @salzlete
13 followers · 5 posts · Server fosstodon.org

It’s just crazy that governments, military and huge corporates do no check their providers. 🤯
The case shows that once more.
Center for Disease Control and Prevention , , and the British are just a few.
For those who did not hear about Pushwoosh yet: it’s a company providing a tool for push notifications. They sold themselves as company, but seem operate from .

#software #Pushwoosh #cdc #usarmy #unilever #labourparty #russion #us #novosibirsk #infosec #opsec #cybersecurity

Last updated 2 years ago