The Russian concept #RusskiyMir (#RussianWorld) is an official state ideology of a Russian neo-empire that seeks to strengthen its power through aggressive territorial expansion and genocide.
«Russia's War Reopens the 'Nationality Question'» - The Moscow Times
#Russian #RussiaNationalties #RusskiyMir #Identity #РусскийМир
#russian #russianationalties #russkiymir #identity #русскиймир
While killing thousands of Ukrainians, the Russians see themselves as "victims of unprovoked Western aggression". These self-victimisation cult and zero wish for any reflexion are important components of the #RusskiyMir #RussianWorld way of thinking.
RT @sumlenny
While killing thousands of Ukrainians, the Russians see themselves as "victims of unprovoked Western aggression". These self-victimisation cult and zero wish for any reflexion are important components of the #RusskiyMir #RussianWorld way of thinking.
RT sumlenny: The concept of #RusskiyMir (Russian World) is essential for the Russian imperialism and its war against Ukraine. Let us dive into this concept. A long THREAD:
Met a girl from Donetsk this evening
Beautiful, young Ukrainian girl, been in London for a week only
Russian speaker from Donbas. 8 Years of never ending propaganda... I didn't know what to expect
But then she told me:
Less than a year ago people peacefully lived in these multi-storey homes in #Mariupol. Today they are either:
1) killed;
2) forced to flee;
3) forcibly deported to russia;
4) struggle to survive somewhere in basements w/o basic utilities as winter is coming