Zachary Perkins · @zperk13
4 followers · 345 posts · Server

Then again, I hear the experience isn't as good...


Last updated 1 year ago

· @dcz
289 followers · 1837 posts · Server

Out of , full. What could be the reason? Did I go overboard with Firefox tabs? Too many QtCreators? A multitude of open consoles and documents?

Nope. It's stray processes eating 15GiB. Or maybe it's 's fault?

#ram #swap #rustanalyzer #kwrite #rust #leak #rls #languageserver

Last updated 1 year ago

Jessie Chatham Spencer · @jmintb
31 followers · 333 posts · Server

Had some fun on stream exploring through a GH issue:

The developer guidelines/docs were nice and pragmatic, definitely worth a read:

The goal of the issue is to implement completions for extern crate names. I started out getting the completion to work with hardcoded suggestions, which works now. Next time we'll look at sourcing the correct suggestions.

#rustanalyzer #rust

Last updated 1 year ago

I feel like it says a lot about that people feel the need to write a server that wraps a server to avoid spinning up multiple duplicate servers.

#lsp #rust #rustanalyzer

Last updated 1 year ago

Eric Thomas · @electrona
53 followers · 398 posts · Server

Does anyone know how to get my checkmarks to appear?

#rust #rustanalyzer #archlinux

Last updated 1 year ago

· @SakasitaHirosi
26 followers · 803 posts · Server

、最初は本当にわからずしんどいんだけど、そのうちなんとなくエラーメッセージとの付き合い方みたいなものが見えてきて「あれ?意外とスムーズに書けるかも」とか思うの面白い。まあ はもうすこし頑張ってくれるとありがたいけど。

あと、アレな コードとか見ると、rustを支持する人たちの気持ちわかるわ…。一種の矯正ギプス的なとこがあるし。

#cpp #rustanalyzer #rust

Last updated 2 years ago

· @SakasitaHirosi
28 followers · 1049 posts · Server

、最初は本当にわからずしんどいんだけど、そのうちなんとなくエラーメッセージとの付き合い方みたいなものが見えてきて「あれ?意外とスムーズに書けるかも」とか思うの面白い。まあ はもうすこし頑張ってくれるとありがたいけど。

あと、アレな コードとか見ると、rustを支持する人たちの気持ちわかるわ…。一種の矯正ギプス的なとこがあるし。

#cpp #rustanalyzer #rust

Last updated 2 years ago

I have very mixed feelings about and related large language models (LLMs). They are certainly a cool tool, but I also currently don't believe that these "stochastic parrots" will easily replace search, article/paper writing, coding, and similar tasks. That is, they can be used to augment, but not replace those human activities - at least in the near future.

One more specific example is : I am impressed by the code suggested with small "query blocks", either in the form of method signatures or even just comments. While I wouldn't ever just Tab-complete that code into a production codebase (and I hope others also shy away from it), using it as a smarter auto-complete can be a total time-saver. While still learning , I find it a great tool to provide me with correct syntax while I try to express the semantic concepts in my head. That is, the + + based workflow is a magnitude faster than what I can achieve, at my current level of competence with , with any other IDE.
However, on the conceptual level, its suggestions range from spot-on (supposedly for parts that have been used in the same form in many Github projects already) to "terrible, awful, don't even think about it". Don't trust the concepts generated by , but for getting a concept into correct syntax, it can be a great help.

I find the same to be true of : it produces correct (human language) syntax, but its concepts on a semantic level are more random than anything else. It doesn't have a reasonable world model, and without such a world model, even internal consistency of statements (let alone factual validity in alignment with what we consider the real world) is darn hard (impossible?) to achieve. It's currently a toy, and should only be used for toy purposes.
On that note, the best use I could personally find for is to reply to spammers, who operate on a comparable level of factual and consistent concepts (i.e., ):

Maybe will at some point allow LLMs to be factually more accurate, including the ability to cite sources. I don't know, as I'm not an expert in this field. But the current approaches with just scraping massive amounts of (syntax, but not semantic) web content seem fundamentally flawed to me.

On a sidenote, if the mission is really to "ensure that artificial general intelligence benefits all of humanity", shouldn't the trained models be, erm, (source)? After all, the training data is publicly generated, so it seems more beneficial to humanity if the derivations are also for building upon them.

#chatgpt #github #copilot #rust #vscode #rustanalyzer #bs #reinforcementlearning #UnsupervisedLearning #openai #open

Last updated 2 years ago

ando :rust_ferris:​ · @ando
61 followers · 103 posts · Server

Been re-writing my neovim config tonight with lua. Trying to understand the things and not just blindly copy paste stuff. Happy that a bunch of tpope’s plug-ins do still work

#neovim #lua #rustlang #rustanalyzer

Last updated 2 years ago

Ariel Richtman · @arichtman
134 followers · 245 posts · Server

Anyone had any luck getting `rust-analyzer` extension's intellisense to work in VSCode using a `flake` development environment?

#wsl #wsl2 #softwareengineering #development #nixos #rustanalyzer #intellisense #rust #rustlang #VSCode #nix

Last updated 2 years ago

Ariel Richtman · @arichtman
128 followers · 216 posts · Server

Anyone had any luck getting `rust-analyzer` extension's intellisense to work in VSCode using a `flake` development environment?

#softwareengineering #development #nixos #rustanalyzer #intellisense #rust #rustlang #VSCode #nix

Last updated 2 years ago

okay is there for ?

#rustanalyzer #lapce #rust #rustlang

Last updated 2 years ago

Jan :rust: :ferris: · @janriemer
394 followers · 778 posts · Server

Oh no! 😱 rust-analyzer is eating all my RAM - *nom nom nom nom* 😋

Well, having two Rust projects open at the same time is just too delicious i guess...¯\_(ツ)_/¯

#nomnom #ram #programming #memory #rustanalyzer #rustlang #Rust

Last updated 2 years ago

Chris Emerson · @jugglerchris
37 followers · 33 posts · Server

One of my favourite debugging features is the dbg!() macro - I wrap it around values of interest and look through the trace.

My one annoyance with it is that to remove them again it's a bit less convenient, since you have to remove the "dbg!(" and the ")" separately instead of just a whole print line.

During this morning's I thought "Oh, maybe I can add an action to to do that."

I don't have to, it's already there!

#rust #AdventOfCode2022 #rustanalyzer

Last updated 2 years ago

Thomas Frans 🇺🇦 · @thomy2000
15 followers · 328 posts · Server

Lately I've been a bit worried about the massive amount of disk writes by some software. Normally, I wouldn't mind at all, it's an SSD anyway, so write all you want. But it IS also an SSD. It has a total amount of writes, and after that, it's gonna be dead, and guess who will have to pay for a new one...

#cargo #systemd #firefox #rustanalyzer #rust

Last updated 2 years ago

Dr. Marc Schreiber · @schrieveslaach
17 followers · 277 posts · Server

I had some fun with over the last weeks. From time to time I worked on

The fun included:

- updating crates and handling breaking changes. and helped me at lot.
- improve configuration handling with figment. Really nice crate.
- passing login information around to pull from any private

#rust #rustanalyzer #neovim #docker #dockerregistry

Last updated 2 years ago