I wish I'd read the following two articles right after reading the #rustbook.
They've been written in 2015 and have some outdated bits. But still bring a lot of value to an overall understanding of #rustlang
The first article covers "two pillars of Rust's design:
- Memory safety without garbage collection
- Concurrency without data races"
The second article explores "the third pillar
- Abstraction without overhead"
#rustbook #rustlang #programming
This thread on the #rustlang forum has taught me so much more than any other resource about the #borrowChecker that I think its content should become part of some official docs (like a deep dive section in the #rustBook ) https://users.rust-lang.org/t/what-is-a-good-mental-model-of-borrow-checker/86806?u=tlaferriere
#rustlang #borrowchecker #rustbook
You probably already know this, but Chapter 4 of the #rustBook discusses ownership.
Not that I'm an expert; I'm only on chapter 8.
I just put page from #rustbook here:
@wizzwizz4 Well spotted! That's a trivial example from the #RustBook.
I just wanted to make a joke with that Space Odyssey reference
@codesections Thanks!
The Rust Programming Language 2018 edition is now on IPFS.
(I found all files in ~/.rustup/toolchains/stable-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/share/doc/rust/html/book/2018-edition, I think they were pre-generated)