The literal does not have an explicit type at all. The f64 suffix is simply interpreted as three hex digits, making the literal 0xDEA_DBEE_FF64.
Neither #rustc nor #clippy warn about this explicitly; clippy only warn about mixed case and inconsistent grouping, making 0xfff_f64 warning-free.
Updated #mrustc in my #gentoo overlay ( Now #rustc can be bootstrapped from C starting with version 1.54 rather than 1.39.
I wrote a thing.
Might be interesting for anyone that wants to start contributing to #rust or hacking on #rustc but are a bit nervous on starting.
#rustc on alpine
SIGSEGV on stable-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl in a few cargo tools · Issue #93084 · rust-lang/rust
I am not put off by #rustc rapid changes as I hear Stallman seems to be, since I think this is already addressed by specifying rust "editions", which only changes every few years, as specified in cargo toml, unless there is something I am missing.
A little #terminalporn with #rustc compiling #TubeFeeder on @mntmn #reform ... x)
#reform #TubeFeeder #rustc #terminalporn
@sir certainly the fast movement of #rustc has been the main thing slowing down my experimentation with it. Everytime I try an build #remacs run into some random compiler problem. However at the same time spending a lot of time as I do doing multi-threaded C I long to work with a language that properly supports you in getting it right. AIUI moving from C to #golang is easier as it's a minimal bit of extra syntax to learn but I'm not as sure of their concurrency story.