For those interested in my implementation of Advent of Code day 1 in Rust in my slideshow application Rusty Slider the link directly to my presentation is here:
#Rust #RustLang #RustySlider #Macroquad #Markdown #AdventOfCode
#rust #rustlang #rustyslider #MacroQuad #markdown #adventofcode
My colleague solving Advent of Code programming puzzles using VS Code and the Joyride extension. Demo at the Agical office. Joyride lets you hack VS Code like Emacs users hack Emacs.
At the end, I show my solution in Rust from within my markdown presentation application Rusty Slider.
#AdventOfCode #VSCode #Joyride #Clojure #programming #Rust #RustLang #OpenSource #REPL #RustySlider #markdown
#adventofcode #vscode #JoyRide #clojure #programming #rust #rustlang #opensource #repl #rustyslider #markdown
I've now created a slideshow presentation in Rusty Slider of my Advent of Code solutions. When running Rusty Slider locally with the flag --enable-code-execution it is possible to run each solution and get the result in the slide.
#rustlang #rust #rustyslider #adventofcode