🏈 #CFB #CollegeFootball @cfb #Rutgers #Northwestern
RedditCFB 🤖
In a little less than an hour we get to see "Chicago's Big Ten Team" square off at NYC's Big Ten team in a battle of marketing stretches!
#cfb #collegefootball #rutgers #northwestern
🏈 #CFB #CollegeFootball @cfb #Rutgers #Northwestern
Via no context college football
#cfb #collegefootball #rutgers #northwestern
🏈 #CFB #CollegeFootball @cfb #Rutgers #Northwestern
I was lucky to watch some cracking matches yesterday.
I am also lucky to miss this one.
NW QB just picked.
Rutgers (SUNJ) 24-0
13m42s left 4th Quarter
Bryan Fischer @BryanDFischer
Even taking the sacks out, Northwestern averaged 1.6 yds/rush through three quarters against Rutgers.
Tom Fornelli @TomFornelli
Through three quarter Northwestern has 111 yards of offense, including a grand total of one (1) rushing yard.
#cfb #collegefootball #rutgers #northwestern
#Rutgers University is still a trailblazer in #parkinglot #solar
Installing 16 solar carports that total 14.5 megawatts (MW) in parking lots across its five campuses.The new solar parking lot canopies are expected to generate 18 GWh of clean electricity annually!
Just learned that the Rutgers Board of Governors has approved my promotion to Full Professor with tenure effective July 1st. Thanks to all my current and graduated PhD students, mentors, and the broad PL/Arch/Verification community. Here is a group photo of my 6 graduated PhD students. #rutgers #rutgerscs
Black Rose Anarchist Federation Interview with Rutgers Adjunct Faculty
#anarchist #rutgers #jerseycounterinfo #labor #strike #blackrose
#Anarchist #rutgers #jerseycounterinfo #labor #strike #BlackRose
Smoking During Pregnancy Risks Sudden Infant Death: Best Of: Feb, 2023
Smoking before and during a pregnancy increases by 5 fold the risk that an infant will die suddenly over the months following birth. #smoking #pregnancy #SIDS #rutgers #race
#smoking #pregnancy #sids #rutgers #race
Three #Rutgers Educators Unions Approve Tentative Agreements https://rutgersaaup.org/three-rutgers-educators-unions-approve-tentative-agreements/
"One thing I find exciting about #Rutgers is that we all know about the incredible social inequality in the US, and how it's getting worse day by day. And the only solution I see for this is greater #labor organizing, period."
--Donna Murch on #CounterSpin
"Trauma-informed education could improve outcomes for justice-involved Black adolescents"
https://phys.org/news/2023-04-trauma-informed-outcomes-justice-involved-black-adolescents.html #Rutgers #race
"Sexual and substance use education that incorporates knowledge about trauma could improve developmental outcomes among justice-involved Black youth, according to a Rutgers study published in the journal Children and Youth Services Review."
The core issues in the #Rutgers strike were systemic, not unique to Rutgers — and they require leadership from Washington to address
Our paper "Verifying the verifier: eBPF Range Analysis Verification" accepted at CAV 2023. Work with students Hari and Matan, and colleague Srinivas Narayana. We propose an automated method to check the correctness of range analysis in the Linux Kernel’s eBPF verifier.
We automatically generate verification conditions that encode the operation of eBPF verifier directly from Linux Kernel’s C source code and check it against our specification.
When we discover instances where the eBPF verifier is unsound, we propose a method to generate an eBPF program that demonstrates the mismatch between the abstract and the concrete semantics.
We automatically checks the soundness of the eBPF verifier for 16 versions of the eBPF verifier in the Linux Kernel ranging from 4.14 to 5.19. In this process, we have discovered new bugs in older versions and proved the soundness of range analysis in the latest kernel. Preprint will be available soon.
#cav2023 #rutgerssas #RutgersCS #rutgers
Thousands of faculty -- full time, tenured, part-time, adjunct, grad students and others -- at New Jersey's #Rutgers University went on strike this month, an unprecedented labor action at the 257 year old institution. Workers standing up anywhere can have rippling effects -- but somehow when it's educators, at a public university, there seems to be an added opportunity to find some lessons in the fight.
Morning after the battle. #rutgers #rutgersaaup @RutgersAAUPAFT #RUonstrike
#rutgers #rutgersaaup #ruonstrike
Good news! Looks like #Rutgers on #strike got the goods. Turns out if everyone at every rank and pay grade stands together, management folds fast. Congrats to my former colleagues!
#rutgers #strike #higheredworkersunite
1) The union bureaucrats are trying to end the Rutgers strike. They're calling for strikers to return to work on Monday on the basis of a "framework of a tentative deal." There's no final deal, and no details have been released. #RUOnStrike #Rutgers https://www.nj.com/education/2023/04/rutgers-and-unions-reach-deal-to-end-historic-faculty-strike.html
#Rutgers and unions reach deal to end historic faculty strike
This is how higher ed gets saved: "higher-paid tenured professors are refusing to go home with a deal... until part-time professors and graduate workers’ demands are met in a reasonable way." #highered #labor #unions #rutgers #strike #labormovement https://www.northjersey.com/story/news/education/2023/04/14/unusual-rutgers-faculty-strike-has-academes-attention-across-us/70116703007/
#labormovement #strike #rutgers #unions #labor #highered