Take a brief photo tour of Fortress Rosecrans that was built after the #CivilWar Battle of Stones River in Murfreesboro, #Tennessee by the Union Army to supply ‘Sherman’s March to the Sea’. 👉 https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/local/2023/07/29/learn-history-on-the-beautiful-trails-at-murfreesboros-fortress-rosecrans/70480145007/
The Army discouraged local #resistance by aiming its cannons at the beloved #RutherfordCounty Courthouse - which still stands, albeit with a few bullet holes.
#civilwar #tennessee #resistance #rutherfordcounty
The #RutherfordCounty #Tennessee Industrial 🏭 Development Board has approved an amended tax-abatement that will enable Minneapolis-based McNeilus Truck 🛻 and Manufacturing 👩🏭 Inc. to expand high-skilled employment at their #Murfreesboro plant producing custom components for North America’s first zero-emission 🌱 electric garbage truck, the Volterra ZSL. ⬇️
#rutherfordcounty #tennessee #murfreesboro
“All hate begins as self-hate.” - Dalai Lama
“HAT + RED = HATRED” - Jules Suzdaltsev
#CraigHarris #RutherfordCounty #Tennessee 💩 📻 👉 https://www.wgnsradio.com/article/79621/commentary-by-commissioner-harris-wokeism
#SaveAmerica from the #DarkMAGA cult!
#craigharris #rutherfordcounty #tennessee #saveamerica #DarkMAGA