When you use ruyao or crackleware, gradually the cracks in the ceramics get dyed with tea stains.
However, if you just make tea in them, the stains are mostly on the inside of the teaware. Not very satisfying!
I noticed Peter from pu-erh.sk's crackleware was evenly stained inside and out, so asked what he did. He said he saves his spent leaves and when he has a bunch, brings some of his teaware to a simmer in water and spent tea leaves, then leaves them to soak overnight. Haha! OK, then! Definitely noticeably increases staining inside and out!
#Tea #Teaware #CareAndFeeding #Crackleware #Ruyao #PuerhdotSK @tea
#tea #teaware #careandfeeding #crackleware #ruyao #puerhdotsk