Kudlow Warns Biden Will Only Allow ‘Plant-Based Beer’
Larry Kudlow, Donald Trump’s former top economic adviser, railed on Fox News that President Biden is plotting to force Americans to drink “plant-based beer.”
Larry Kudlow has been drinking too much plant-based beer.
#TrumpAppointees #LarryKudlow #RWNJ #RWLiars
#rwliars #rwnj #larrykudlow #trumpappointees
WABC New York radio host Mark Levin's bestseller "American Marxism" has been hailed as “a work of staggering ignorance.” Mark is always happy to do his bit—chipping away at the foundations of America! #MarkLevinShow #StaggeringIgnorance #RWNJ #Trolls #RWLiars
#rwliars #trolls #rwnj #staggeringignorance #marklevinshow
How does Christina Bobb ever expect to work again as a lawyer when she clearly has NO UNDERSTANDING of the law.
#PresidentialRecordsAct #Trump #TrumpIsACriminal #RWLiars #ChristinaBoob
#christinaboob #rwliars #trumpisacriminal #Trump #presidentialrecordsact