IMHO, Senator Tuberville is an #EnemyOfTheState. Someone needs to change his diaper and put him in his corner with the other miscreant GOP babies. They need to do their job for this country instead of acting like they're giving a #RWNJ TedTalk.
Gifted WaPo article:
"...Americans who were minding their own business, doing no one any harm while shopping, are dead because another guy was so consumed by hate...
... many conservative whites will not give a shit because the authority figures in their lives do not give a shit. They listen to politicians who trawl bigots for votes by offering the bait of hate. They watch an endless parade of conservative cable talking heads drone on about “taking the country back.”
Losing money hand over #mundine #RWNJ #organisation #auspol
#mundine #rwnj #organisation #auspol
#Putz #AndyNgo #RWNJ #TrollJustice
Right-Wing Troll Andy Ngo Loses Lawsuit Filed Against Portland Activists
#trolljustice #rwnj #andyngo #Putz
To all the #RWNJ's claiming #DarthTraitor "is being prosecuted for exercising his First Amendment Right to free speech, PAGE TWO of the indictment reads:
3. The Defendant had a right, like every American, to speak publicly about the election and even to claim, falsely, that there had been outcome-determinative fraud during the election and that he had won. He was also entitled to formally challenge the results of the election through lawful and appropriate means, such as by seeking recounts..."
LOL. Right-wing wastes no time using Mitch McConnell's mini-stroke to dunk on George Soros's job "running the country." #RWNJ #MitchMcConnell #GeorgeSoros #VoteBlueIfYouHateLies #BennyJohnson
#BennyJohnson #voteblueifyouhatelies #GeorgeSoros #mitchmcconnell #rwnj
Tough but fair🤷♂️ #politics #rwnj #cancelculture #maga #JasonAldean #AshliBabbitt
#AshliBabbitt #jasonaldean #maga #cancelculture #rwnj #politics
Accusations of heavy infiltration 'of pedophiles' is causing members of the Save The Children Convoy, also known as the East Meets West Convoy, to leave.
#ChristianLiars #MAGALiars #HankKunneman #GOP #RWNJ #RightWingWatch
The Jefferson Lies: Hank Kunneman Is Spreading Laughably False Christian Nationalist History
#RightWingWatch #rwnj #gop #hankkunneman #magaliars #christianliars
So horribly sad, how is it I feel like laughing? #FuckMikeLindell #MyBankruptcy #GOP #RWNJ #CrackAddicts
Mike Lindell Reveals MyPillow Has Lost $100M as He Auctions Off Equipment
#crackaddicts #rwnj #gop #mybankruptcy #fuckmikelindell
Kudlow Warns Biden Will Only Allow ‘Plant-Based Beer’
Larry Kudlow, Donald Trump’s former top economic adviser, railed on Fox News that President Biden is plotting to force Americans to drink “plant-based beer.”
Larry Kudlow has been drinking too much plant-based beer.
#TrumpAppointees #LarryKudlow #RWNJ #RWLiars
#rwliars #rwnj #larrykudlow #trumpappointees
I have a different prayer: "God, please take away Alex Jones's microphone." #AlexJones #BankruptAlexJones #MAGA #GOP #RWNJ
Alex Jones begs for God to destroy the Earth 'for the children'
#rwnj #gop #MAGA #bankruptalexjones #alexjones
You know it's bad when The Hill is publishing a piece slamming them. #MomsForFascism #TheHill #GOP #RWHG #RWNJ #Fascism
Six reasons why Moms for Liberty is an extremist organization
#Fascism #rwnj #rwhg #gop #thehill #momsforfascism
Here's the latest rumor that's spreading like wildfire among the right-wing rubes here in West Virginia. They're certain they're "in on the scam".
"Electric cars pollute just as much as regular cars because all the pollution from cars comes from the brake pads. Electric cars have brake pads like every car so they pollute just as much."
Sigh. This is, of course, ridiculously wrong in two different ways but it's the latest "the liberals are scamming everyone" rumor here in West Virginia.
#rwnj #conspiracytheory #politics #uspol
Along the trail system in town I browse the mini library content. I've been finding the AARP and the evangelical pamphlets but today there was a dozen of what looks like some kind of #RWNJ magazines. ⚠️♻️👍
@blakespot I use a #VPN fulltime, on both pooters, & have done for years, ever since my ghastly #RWNJ Strayan government jumped into bed with the idiot Shrubbie [aka, GWBush] & his egregious #PatriotAct bullshit. Ie, the day my rotten govt mandated "mandatory data retention" by all domestic #ISPs, was when i began with VPN [or rather, i began months earlier, coz the changes were well publicised in advance].
Sorry, shan't name my current or previous VPN vendor/s, but there's heaps to choose from.
@captainb Well, no. I mean, not literal cops, it's a term of mockery the writer is using against all these angry #RWNJ politicians & #transphobic activists who would rather that all #trans peeps, but especially we #transwomen, were banned from existence.
#rwnj #transphobic #trans #transwomen