Grab your life vests! Our fire personnel @ Sacramento NWR (CA) completed a #rxfire via airboat and terra torch - allowing them to reach areas of the wetland that are normally inaccessible. Regular fire in wetlands is vital to promote healthy habitat for wildlife
#rxfire #nws #weather #oregon #orwx
Some tags:
#Science #wildfire #rxfire #forestry #pyroecophysiology #ecophysiology #ecology #geography #naturalhazards #wildfirerisk #earthscience #drought #fireecology #fireseverity #plantscience #lidar #remotesensing #combustion #sciencemastodon #academicmastodon #ecoevo #plantecology #disturbances #globalchange
Hey Everyone, my lab focuses on improving measures of #FireSeverity. We do lab and #RxFire experiments focusing on how heat from fires impact trees and #PlantScience, #ecophysiology, fire-induced mortality, and when they live: long-term growth. We assess interactions of fire with stressors such as #drought. We also measure #fuels and #forest growth with #lidar, #fire #RemoteSensing, embers, and why people react or decide to control or use wildfires. #geography #pyroecophysiology
#rxfire #plantscience #fire #fireseverity #ecophysiology #drought #fuels #forest #lidar #remotesensing #geography #pyroecophysiology
I’m just a lonely mastodon wandering the swampy woodlands, looking for some kind of signal, #RxFire, #CulturalFire, maybe a few fire #histodons. Let me know if you see something out there through the trees.
#rxfire #culturalfire #histodons