Dude has A LOT of problems, but dude is probably a genius when it comes to put very human stories into song.
#ryanadams #mywindingwheel #live
Long day & so it’s a glass of red wine & I’m #NowSpinning #JacksonvilleCityNights by #RyanAdams & the Cardinals.
Peak Adams invariably involves some version of the original Cardinals & this is just a superb album with a vibe which harkens back to his #Whiskeytown days. And, imo, #DearJohn is likely his best song &, thanks to a perfect Norah Jones vocal, his best recorded performance.
Oh, & this pressing is sublime.
#NowSpinning #jacksonvillecitynights #ryanadams #whiskeytown #dearjohn #nowplaying #nowlistening #vinylrecords #vinyl #music
It’s arrived a day early & I’m #NowSpinning #ReturnToCarnegieHall by #RyanAdams.
At the moment, this is a #vinyl only limited (to 2k copies) release. I’m revisiting Adams’ output after a long hiatus & have been both overwhelmed & underwhelmed by a lot of his recent output & it’s maybe somewhat telling that this live set is skewed heavily towards his early & mid-career output. The material here is strong & immaculately performed…
#NowSpinning #returntocarnegiehall #ryanadams #vinyl
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Who Betrayed Mandy Moore? https://jezebel.com/who-betrayed-mandy-moore-1850309219 #Jezebel #prmanagement #mandymoore #ryanadams #scumbag
#jezebel #prmanagement #mandymoore #ryanadams #scumbag
Terra lawsuit a ‘roadmap’ to attack other stablecoins: Delphi Labs - Delphi Lab's general counsel said the SEC was being "more thoroug... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/terra-lawsuit-a-roadmap-to-attack-other-stablecoins-delphi-labs #algorithmicstablecoin #securities-basedswap #gabrielshapiro #syntheticasset #wrappedtoken #garygensler #delphilabs #southkorea #ryanadams #howeytest #dokwon #serbia
#serbia #dokwon #howeytest #ryanadams #southkorea #delphilabs #garygensler #wrappedtoken #syntheticasset #gabrielshapiro #securities #algorithmicstablecoin
Midnight coming, I can feel it in the air
I hear your voice, run your fingers through my hair
I reach out for your hand but I know it isn't there
I pick up my phone and I shiver and I stare
#RyanAdams #Shiver and Shake
#music #love #hurt #forgiveness
#ryanadams #shiver #music #love #hurt #forgiveness
Die Nebraska coverplaat van Ryan Adams, ik had daar precies meer van verwacht… #RyanAdams #Nebraska #cover #brucespringsteen #NowPlaying #muziek #music
#ryanadams #nebraska #cover #brucespringsteen #nowplaying #muziek #music
Die Nebraska coverplaat van Ryan Adams, ik had daar precies meer van verwacht… #RyanAdams #Nebraska #cover #brucespringsteen #NowPlaying
#ryanadams #nebraska #cover #brucespringsteen #nowplaying
So #RyanAdams released 6 albums (I think) in 2022. That's amazing. I got down to reviewing one of them, FM (https://tunes.techalignment.com/ryan-adams-fm-is-pure-power-pop/), and thought it was awesome. Today I finally got around to listening to his entire album tribute of #BruceSpringsteen's Nebraska. He totally nails it. It's pointless to review it since the source material is already amazing, but it's both a great homage to The Boss and a modern interpretation.
New #RyanAdams album out. Used to be a big fan, but now not sure if he's cancelled or not.
#RyanAdams RA covers the #Springsteen album classic Nebraska. Such a genuine sound.
#RyanAdams Great set of shows this tour. Voice is impeccable and energy was splendid. Set list was filled with great song after great song.
No importa si eres fan de #RyanAdams o de #TaylorSwift, ¡tienes que escuchar este album! La influencia rindiendo tributo a la influida.
Gerade bin ich über dieses tolle Cover eines Iron Maiden-Klassikers gestolpert. Passt auch sehr gut zur besinnlichen Adventsstimmung.
Ryan Adams - Wasted Years
#SongdesTages #musik #indie #rock #ironmaiden #metal #RyanAdams
#SongdesTages #musik #indie #rock #ironmaiden #metal #ryanadams
Sam Bankman-Fried: Einladung als Sprecher auf Veranstaltungen macht Krypto-Community sauer https://de.cointelegraph.com/news/sam-bankman-fried-still-speaking-at-events-and-the-community-is-furious #NewYorkTimesDealBookSummit #PeterMcCormack #LayahHeilpern #AndrewSorkin #JohnDeaton #RyanAdams #Insolvenz #FTX
#newyorktimesdealbooksummit #petermccormack #layahheilpern #andrewsorkin #johndeaton #ryanadams #Insolvenz #FTX
Sam Bankman-Fried still speaking at events and the community is furious - The former FTX CEO said he will be speaking at a conference by Th... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/sam-bankman-fried-still-speaking-at-events-and-the-community-is-furious #newyorktimesdealbooksummit #petermccormack #layahheilpern #andrewsorkin #johndeaton #ryanadams
#ryanadams #johndeaton #andrewsorkin #layahheilpern #petermccormack #newyorktimesdealbooksummit
Channel J: Ryan Adams’ Accidental 9/11 Tribute Song
The story of a relatively unknown singer/songwriter who released one of the first 9/11 tribute songs without even trying
#Music #9/11 #ChannelJ #RyanAdams
Channel J: Ryan Adams’ Accidental 9/11 Tribute Song
The story of a relatively unknown singer/songwriter who released one of the first 9/11 tribute songs without even trying
#Music #9/11 #ChannelJ #RyanAdams