@popcornreel The corruption goes deep into the Establishment. Prosecute #Trump cabal, who planned a coup and incited insurrection.
But #Wray, #ChristopherMiller, #Piatt, #RyanMcCarthy #JamesMurray #ChadWolf all did nada b4 #Jan6 despite intel, Trump statements & con calls for #CivilWar on social media. Then they slow-walked on #J6 and held back #DCNG.
They didn't get fired & IG's lied.
#January6Committee gave them all a pass.
#FederalistSociety #ChristopherWray is now #Biden #FBI Director
#fbi #biden #christopherwray #federalistsociety #january6committee #dcng #J6 #civilwar #JAN6 #chadwolf #jamesmurray #ryanmccarthy #piatt #ChristopherMiller #wray #Trump
@TheUSASingers Everyone should remember that #FBI #ChristopherWray, #ChristopherMiller, #JamesMurray, #DHS, #WalterPiatt #RyanMcCarthy, all were responsible and did nothing prior to #Jan6, despite the Intel, Trump election lies n coup plans, plus open calls for Civil War by #OathKeepers #ProudBoys, then they slow walked the response on #January6.
None were fired despite their egregious and inexcusable failures, and the #January6committee gave them a pass
#january6committee #January6 #proudboys #oathkeepers #JAN6 #ryanmccarthy #walterpiatt #dhs #jamesmurray #ChristopherMiller #christopherwray #fbi
@Brandi_Buchman I want to know why #January6Committee gave a pass to #ChristopherWray #ChristopherMiller #WalterPiatt #RyanMcCarthy & #JamesMurray; they did nada before or on #January6.
Per #MarkMilley, “everyone knew“ Trump wanted a coup & #Jan6 would be violent, besides the open public calls for #CivilWar, egged on by election fraudster #Trump, who thought he had #Military backing for a coup. Why did #Trump believe that? Why did #MichaelFlynn bro #CharlesFlynn escape scrutiny?
#CharlesFlynn #michaelflynn #military #Trump #civilwar #JAN6 #markmilley #January6 #jamesmurray #ryanmccarthy #walterpiatt #ChristopherMiller #christopherwray #january6committee
@JoshuaHolland Why did Trump think he had support from the #military to overthrow the #government, republic and #Constitution?
Why does the #January6Committee Report give a pass to #Federalistsociety #FBI #ChristopherWray #USSS #JamesMurray #DOD #Trump pick #ChristopherMiller #RyanMcCarthy #CharlesFlynn #WalterPiatt? They did nothing before #January6 when they were open calls for Civil War, besides the Intel.
Gen #MarkMilley testified “everyone knew” #Jan6 would be violent
#JAN6 #markmilley #January6 #walterpiatt #CharlesFlynn #ryanmccarthy #ChristopherMiller #Trump #dod #jamesmurray #usss #christopherwray #fbi #federalistsociety #january6committee #constitution #government #military
@Saysdana Sund and Walker were hung out to dry, set up as fall guys. The #January6Committee gave a glib pass to #FBI #ChristopherWray, #ChristopherMiller, #WalterPiatt and #RyanMcCarthy, who did nothing prior to #January6 despite massive Intel and open public calls for #CivilWar, while #Trump was saying the election was a fraud and he might refuse to leave office. Then on the day of #Jan6 these traitors slowwalked while the Capitol was overrun to overthrow the Republic
#JAN6 #Trump #civilwar #January6 #ryanmccarthy #walterpiatt #ChristopherMiller #christopherwray #fbi #january6committee
And the #January6Committee swallowed whole #Trump SecDef claim that the reason they balked at DC and Capitol Police requests for DCNG backup before and during #January6 is cuz #ChristopherMiller #WalterPiatt #RyanMcCarthy alleged concern about optics of involving the military in an election after backlash due to #MarkEsper #BLM overreach. And they tried to blame Gen #WilliamWalker https://www.politico.com/news/2021/12/06/jan-6-generals-lied-ex-dc-guard-official-523777
#WilliamWalker #blm #markesper #ryanmccarthy #walterpiatt #ChristopherMiller #January6 #Trump #january6committee
@Teri_Kanefield Violent #WhiteSupremacists in #military and #LawEnforcement has been a known problem for years.
The #FederalistSociety #FBI Director #ChristopherWray didn’t act on the intel they received, as #MAGA publicly called for #CivilWar
#ChristopherMiller #WalterPiatt and #RyanMcCarthy slowwalked the #DCNationalGuard response.
Unacceptable that the #January6Committee gave them a pass for #January6
#January6 #january6committee #dcnationalguard #ryanmccarthy #walterpiatt #ChristopherMiller #civilwar #maga #christopherwray #fbi #federalistsociety #lawenforcement #military #whitesupremacists
@patricklee I wanna know why #CharlesFlynn was on the #January6 call; he wasn't directly in chain of command for #DCNationalGuard on or before #January6; that falls on #Army Staff Chief LTG #WalterPiatt Army Sec #RyanMcCarthy & #Trump acting Def Sec #ChristopherMiller, whose explanations for inaction prior to #Jan6 are dubious, but swallowed by the #January6thCommittee that also gave #JamesMurray and #ChristopherWray a pass. The Establishment saw it coming better than the public; they're. lying.
#christopherwray #jamesmurray #January6thCommittee #JAN6 #ChristopherMiller #Trump #ryanmccarthy #walterpiatt #army #dcnationalguard #January6 #CharlesFlynn
@statmonkey It's concerning for the fate of our alleged Constitutional and democratically-controlled Republic that the intelligence #FBI Director #ChristopherWray Acting Def Sec #ChristopherMiller Army Sec #RyanMcCarthy LTG #WalterPiatt chose to ignore and not act on prior to #January6 were not a major focus of the #January6thCommittee And what was General #CharlesFlynn role in #Jan6? It's a side note in the report.
#JAN6 #CharlesFlynn #January6thCommittee #January6 #walterpiatt #ryanmccarthy #ChristopherMiller #christopherwray #fbi