BREAKING NEWS: #RyanSeacrest in talks to replace #VannaWhite when she retires.
Despite rumors that a certain judge whose name rhymes with Paty Kerry was not returning, #ABC has announced Katy Perry will return for the 22nd season of #AmericanIdol with #LionelRitchie and #LukeBryan. #RyanSeacrest will also return as host.
#abc #americanidol #lionelritchie #lukebryan #ryanseacrest
Saving Private Ryan (Seacrest)
#sitcomcharacteramovie #ryanseacrest #HashtagGames
I love how #WheelOfFortune learned from the #Jeopardy drama and instead of letting the internet process the change and demand representation, they just immediately jammed the most bland straight white male in there.
#PatSajak(bigot) -> #RyanSeacrest(probably not) = "#Diversity"
#wheeloffortune #jeopardy #patsajak #ryanseacrest #diversity
#TV #RyanSeacrest will succeed #PatSajak on #WheelOfFortune fine. Game show host is not a position that gets to show much personality anyway.
"Would you like to buy a vowel?"
#tv #ryanseacrest #patsajak #wheeloffortune
Wait, you can't just name a new game show host. You have to get the executive producer to announce a parade of celebrity guest hosts for a year, none of which will actually be seriously considered, then that EP has to name himself the host, only to resign amid scandal and then frantically pick two hosts to take over instead.
#WheelOfFortune #RyanSeacrest
Seacrest in! Wasting no time and with zero drama and long-time on-screen auditions, #SonyPicturesTV has confirmed #RyanSeacrest will take over as host of #WheelOfFortune -- and assume a consulting producer role -- with Season 42. Pat Sajak announced his retirement following the upcoming Season 41. Contrary to rumors that she was going to be dumped, the studio is in talks with #VannaWhite to continue her role on the show. #television #gameshows
#sonypicturestv #ryanseacrest #wheeloffortune #vannawhite #television #gameshows
Weeks after longtime host Pat Sajak announced his retirement, #RyanSeacrest revealed Tuesday that he will takeover hosting duties of #wheeloffortune #press
#ryanseacrest #wheeloffortune #press
Disney Night: Halle Bailey Sings “Part of Your World” from The Little Mermaid – American Idol 2023
#ABC #AmericanIdol #AmericanIdol2022 #auditions #COVERS #DisneyNight #KatyPerry #LionelRichie #LukeBryan #PartofYourWorld #Ryanseacrest #sing #SingingCompetition #TheLittleMermaid #ハリー・ベイリー
#abc #americanidol #americanidol2022 #auditions #covers #disneynight #katyperry #lionelrichie #lukebryan #partofyourworld #ryanseacrest #sing #singingcompetition #thelittlemermaid #ハリー・ベイリー
In contrast to younger, deferential #RyanSeacrest, #MarkConsuelos is #KellyRipa's peer, making for good chemistry.
#ryanseacrest #markconsuelos #kellyripa
I probably watched the show least in the #RyanSeacrest period. I thought Ryan too deferential to #KellyRipa, in addition to not having much pizzazz himself. He's your generic, likable, all-purpose host. That bores me.
I don't believe fans who dislike #MarkConsuelos co-hosting w/ #KellyRipa. Mark pre-dates #RyanSeacrest. You'd only dislike Mark if you started watching when Ryan started hosting, if you watched the show for Ryan, and won't watch now that Ryan has left. How much of Live's audience does that describe?
#markconsuelos #kellyripa #ryanseacrest
#KellyRipa, #RyanSeacrest and #MarkConsuelos announced on the #Oscars champagne carpet last night that Ryan's final day on "LiveWithKellyAndRyan will be Friday, April 14, with Ripa's husband Consuelos taking over as co-host on Monday, April 17, with the show newly rebranded #LiveWithKellyAndMark. #television
#kellyripa #ryanseacrest #markconsuelos #oscars #livewithkellyandmark #television
QAnon is the latest trend sweeping the nation, and it's one that Ryan Seacrest just can't seem to get enough of. The conspiracy theory-based movement has been gaining traction in recent months, but Seacrest seems to be taking it a step further by actively promoting its ridiculousness on his popular radio show. #RyanSeacrest (go_ogle trends us/uk 🤖)
#RyanSeacrest announced this morning that he will be taking leave of #LiveWithKellyAndRyan this Spring after six years (he originally only signed for three). Seacrest will head back to the West Coast to begin hosting the new season of #AmericanIdol, and will fill in as an occasional guest host. There will be no long drawn out process to find his replacement, because he's already been chosen -- #MarkConsuelos, Kelly's husband -- making the show title #LiveWithKellyAndMark.
#ryanseacrest #livewithkellyandryan #americanidol #markconsuelos #livewithkellyandmark
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Miss Flo Appears to Have a New Boyfriend #Jezebel #americanpeopleofgermandescent #entertainment2cculture #jennifercoolidge #emilyratajkowski #kendalljenner #markconsuelos #cateblanchett #humaninterest #charliegooch #meghanmarkle #ryanseacrest #florencepugh #michelleyeoh #merylstreep #pedropascal #sophielloyd #zachbraff #kellyripa #ericandre #usweekly #meganfox #actors #flo
#jezebel #americanpeopleofgermandescent #entertainment2cculture #jennifercoolidge #emilyratajkowski #kendalljenner #markconsuelos #cateblanchett #humaninterest #charliegooch #MeghanMarkle #ryanseacrest #florencepugh #michelleyeoh #merylstreep #pedropascal #sophielloyd #zachbraff #kellyripa #ericandre #usweekly #meganfox #actors #flo
Billboard Hot 100:Spotify::American Top 40:Commercial Radio
TIL I learned that Ryan Seacrest has been “hosting" American Top 40 for longer than Casey Kasem ever did. 🤯
(to be fair, I think he now hosts like once a month; rest are guest hosts)
#ryanseacrest #caseykasem #americantop40 #billboard #til
Not gonna say that I'm jealous for #RyanSeacrest and #RockinEve. Mostly because it really feels like Ryan Seacrest has been chosen as the sacrificial lamb at this point.
I see #RyanSeacrest is only 8 years older than I am, and now I'm confused...mostly because I'm not sure if I'm missing the trends or he is.
TV TONIGHT (December 31)
#Lizzo #LizzoLiveInConcert #LadyVoyeur #LiveToLead #LoveAndMarriageHuntsville #BestOfStandUp #NYRE #RyanSeacrest #NewYearsEveLive #AndersonCooper #AndyCohen #PeachBowl #FiestaBowl #SugarBowl #PremierLeague #CollegeBasketball
#collegebasketball #premierleague #sugarbowl #fiestabowl #peachbowl #AndyCohen #andersoncooper #newyearsevelive #ryanseacrest #nyre #bestofstandup #loveandmarriagehuntsville #livetolead #ladyvoyeur #lizzoliveinconcert #lizzo