Triangle cut sandwiches taste better. This is a lightly toasted Jewish Rye bread that I buttered with hard salami and pepper-jack cheese. #sandwiches #ryebread #bread
Update! Here’s the final result of the Polish Milk Rye bread. I will probably slice into one tomorrow for lunch. Aside from planning the timing for the sponge 12 hours in advance of making the dough, this was a super easy recipe, and as a bonus you get two loaves for your effort. Total win! #BreadPost #Baking #RyeBread #Sourdough
#sourdough #ryebread #baking #breadpost
来个臭美的🤪 还是小麦粉裸麦粉对半的酸种欧包。裸麦包容易摊饼,就只看正脸吧。
#酸种欧包 #酸种面包
#sauerteig #Roggenmischbrot #sourdough #ryebread
#酸种欧包 #酸种面包 #sauerteig #Roggenmischbrot #sourdough #ryebread
well, it doesn’t look like a whole lot, but here it is, fresh out of the oven after 7 hours: the Slow-Baked Finnish Rye (Jälkiuunileipä). it smells great though! now i have to wrap it in a towel and cool on a rack for 24-48 hours 😬 #BreadPost #RyeBread #Finland
It’s time for another bread baking update! continuing to explore recipes in Stanley Ginsberg’s book, “The Rye Baker.” This time i’m baking a Slow-Baked Finnish Rye (Jälkiuunileipä, which i can’t begin to guess how to pronounce). it bakes at a low heat (225F) for 7 hours (!!). #BreadPost #RyeBread #Finland
Don't think I mentioned this before. I also bake bread about twice a week. This is an Austrian sourdough rye bread.
#bread #breadbaking #baking #austrian #austrianbread #sourdough #sourdoughbread #rye #ryebread #schwarzbrot #hausbrot #artisanbread
#bread #breadbaking #baking #austrian #austrianbread #sourdough #sourdoughbread #rye #ryebread #schwarzbrot #Hausbrot #artisanbread
Rye sourdough loaves with toasted pumpkin and sunflower seeds. Using a modified salt-sour process and an additional 15h cold 🥶 proofing. But no strong acidity.
#sourdough #sourdoughbread #rye #ryebread #germanbread #roggen #sauerteig #sauerteigbrot #hongkong
#sourdough #sourdoughbread #rye #ryebread #germanbread #roggen #sauerteig #sauerteigbrot #hongkong
it's Monday, and time for me to update from this past weekend's baking! I'm continuing to bounce around in Stanley Ginsberg's "The Rye Baker" book. This past weekend I tried a Dutch recipe, "Frisian Black Bread" -- a very wet dough, almost like a batter, so it had to be baked in a pullman pan. I am very pleased with the result! Sour & chewy -- delicious with gouda cheese. #Breadpost #Baking #RyeBread
So damn good: rye bread with dried fruit. A Richard Bertinet recipe.
Day One
- For the Poolish ferment:
250g dark rye flour
6g fresh yeast
275g warm water
Day Two
- For the dough:
250g water
all of the Poolish ferment
200g dark rye flour
210g strong white bread flour
20g fresh yeast
15g salt
1 tablespoon good ground coffee
250g sultanas (though I did a mix of raisins, cranberries & apricot)
1 teaspoon caraway seeds
#Poolish #ferment #Coffee #richardbertinet #homebaked #ryebread
These are 100% wholemeal rye sourdough with seeds. One same day bake the other overnight cold proofing as a test.
Can’t cut now b/c rye should rest for 24h before slicing(it’ll be too sticky).
#sourdough #sourdougbread #sauerteig #sauerteigbrot #germanbread #roggenbrot #ryebread #hongkong
#sourdough #sourdougbread #sauerteig #sauerteigbrot #germanbread #roggenbrot #ryebread #hongkong
Vinschgauer , South Tirol Rye/flour bread has become rhe 2-weekly thing to bake, in variation with other wheat/rye loafs
It is a very favorite .
The last batches were made with scalding a part of the rye.
Not sure about the perfect ratio with that.
Together with the caraway, anis and fennel this bread does wonders for the digestive system.
#bread #vinschgauer #austria #tirol #ryebread
#ryebread #soup #openyourwindows #freshair #especiallyinwinter
Absolute perfection, or as close to it as I will ever come. It's rye bread with dried fruit; another great Richard Bertinet recipe - and look, @NoTwit, how small they are...
#homebakedbread #ryebread #richardbertinet
Made my all time favourite traditional Finnish rye bread today. This is a Western Finland version, the recipe is from our home bakery.
My blog entry recipe for it is unfortunately only in Finnish, might get around to translating this one soon.
We had a few slices warm with fresh egg butter, it's just the best comfort food ever.
#BreadPosting #Breadiverse #Sourdough #RyeBread #traditional #FinnishFood #SuomalainenLeipäKulttuuri
#breadposting #breadiverse #sourdough #ryebread #traditional #FinnishFood #suomalainenleipakulttuuri
Jan 3, loaf 3. More moisture on the surface today. Best yet. 3/4 hard wheat to 1/4 gunnedah organic rye.
#rye #ryebread #homebaking #bread
Happy 2023 !
"Pain de Campagne or Ryebread ? "
Some thoughts ..
#paindecampagne #bread #breadbaking #artisanal #ryebread
#paindecampagne #bread #breadbaking #artisanal #ryebread
#ryebread #caraway #sourdough #bakeitwithanitas
The #ryeBread starter has come vigorously back to life, so I'm getting a batch of dark rye #sourdough going.
Spiking it with some molasses and espresso to get further into the dark and rich rye territory.
The #ryeBread starter has come vigorously back to life, so I'm getting a batch of dark rye #sourdough going.
Spiking the dough with some molasses and espresso to get further into the dark and rich rye territory.
hey all! i’ve been too busy with baking xmas cookies, so i haven’t had time to bake bread lately, but i took time today to make this pair of Deli Rye loaves. gotta love a good deli rye! #BreadPosting #RyeBread