Loved this. It is on Disney+
#blog #blogger #review #MovieReview #DisneyPlus #streaming #movies #film #cinema #cinemastodon #filmastodon #mastomovies #RyeLane #RaineAllenMiller #TomMelia #NathanBryon #DavidJonsson #VivianOparah #romcom
#blog #blogger #review #moviereview #DisneyPlus #Streaming #movies #film #cinema #cinemastodon #filmastodon #mastomovies #ryelane #raineallenmiller #tommelia #nathanbryon #davidjonsson #vivianoparah #romcom
Oh, Rye Lane is every bit as wonderful as you may have heard. And on Disney+
#film #cinema #movies #mastomovies #filmastodon #cinemastodon #RyeLane #DisneyPlus #streaming #RomCom
#film #cinema #movies #mastomovies #filmastodon #cinemastodon #ryelane #DisneyPlus #Streaming #romcom
I can confirm that Rye Lane is every bit as good as everybody has been saying.
It's now on Disney+ and best of all it's only 82 minutes long
Two films I saw that have almost nothing in common with each other. "Three Colours: Blue" came out in 1993 and is a serious French film made by a Polish director. "Rye Lane" is a less serious British film that hit the big screen 30 years later. Music features in both films.
#RyeLane #ThreeColoursBlue #TroisCouleursBleu
#ryelane #threecoloursblue #troiscouleursbleu
Definitely glad I watched #RyeLane tonight. Needed a movie just like that: silly, sweet, fresh, smart, and just visually popping off the screen. End credits are just gorgeous with *the best font ever* even though they inexplicably don't use it for the posters so you have to watch it yourself. Loved that cameo too!
#film #cinema #Movies #RomComs #Burritos @filmeundserien @movies
#ryelane #film #cinema #movies #romcoms #burritos
#RyeLane was delightful.
(I did need subtitles for the London accents, though.)
ojo a lo que me he encontrado en #RyeLane (peli en Disney+)… y el personaje se llama Colin 🤣 #LoveActually #LoveGuactually
#loveguactually #LoveActually #ryelane
in my experience large cities are almost impossible to navigate for anyone but natives/ locals, and London’s a shocker (or i’m just hopeless 🤔) - (actually, make that the whole of England)
- which is why #RyeLane was such a treat; it’s as if the film-makers knew exactly where I would go and what I would want to see or who I would spend a day with if I were there 😉
#RyeLane #MovieReview #DirectedbyWomen #movies Rye Lane is a delightful and funny film with vivid characters in every frame.
#ryelane #moviereview #directedbywomen #movies
#RyeLane is well named - it's about place as much as people. #MovieReview #DirectedbyWomen
#ryelane #moviereview #directedbywomen
I give 5️⃣⭐️ to #RyeLane in this brief review
Movie Review - "Rye Lane"
#RyeLane is a wry rom-com that’s all about immersion into the culture.
#movies #television #streaming #Hulu #SearchlightPictures
#ryelane #movies #television #streaming #hulu #searchlightpictures
Watercooler writers sifted out some #streaming #series for the weekend: #TheBigDoorPrize topped the list (#AppleTV) -- a "what if we are not following our destiny?" premise. Our writer explains the tone, why care, who its for:
#Tetris was more fascinating than we thought (also on Apple). And #british rom-com #RyeLane on #Hulu made the cut for a playful escape watch. What else?
#tv #newshows #nowwatching #streaming #appletvplus #hulu #netflix #nowplaying
#nowplaying #netflix #appletvplus #nowwatching #newshows #tv #hulu #ryelane #british #tetris #appletv #thebigdoorprize #series #streaming
TV TONIGHT (March 31)
#MurderMystery2 #Tetris #RyeLane #WhoseLine #DoogieKamealohaMD #GoldRush #Liaison #PartyDown #GameTheory #ThePower #CopycatKiller #DieHart #SWAT #SharkTank #GrandCrew #FirstTimeFixer #TheUnXplained #GreatAmericanJokeOff #DragRace
#dragrace #greatamericanjokeoff #TheUnXplained #firsttimefixer #grandcrew #sharktank #swat #diehart #copycatkiller #ThePower #gametheory #PartyDown #liaison #goldrush #doogiekamealohamd #WhoseLine #ryelane #tetris #murdermystery2