This video by Louis Rossmann exposed @purism's bad customer support of a three year due refund and deceptive marketing about their #Librem5 phone being freedom respecting and secure when it actually isn't. In the video description there's also a link to a relevant HN thread. I wanna also add that the @fsf's #RYF program is garbage and should be reformed.
#Purism #Purism5 #Librem #FreeSoftware #LibreSoftware #Privacy #Security
#librem5 #ryf #purism #purism5 #librem #freesoftware #libresoftware #privacy #security
Our "Respects Your Freedom" (RYF) certification program helps you find hardware that doesn't violate your right to control the devices you own. Learn more, and shop while supporting companies that support your freedom: #RYF
lately, I was thinking about libre or #RYF hardware (that's the term I was looking for) for SAN storage networks: besides the network cards: Is there any complete #RYF compliant solution for: servers, FC / iSCSI switches, UPS units, drives and dedicated storage controllers ?
or this area is empty of libre hardware ?
Our "Respects Your Freedom" (RYF) certification program helps you find hardware that doesn't violate your right to control the devices you own. Learn more, and shop while supporting companies that support your freedom: #RYF
#Freiheit versus #Sicherheit
Brauchen wir mehr #videouberwachung
unbubble im zdf vom 18.06.23
"Gegen Terroranschläge oder Angriffe in Zügen könne so besser ermittelt werden. Aber ist das wirklich so? Und was bedeutet der Ausbau von Überwachung für unsere Grundrechte? Für unsere Privatsphäre und unseren Freiheitsbegriff?"
#freiheit #sicherheit #videouberwachung #uberwachung #datenschutz #ryf #kontrovers
Our "Respects Your Freedom" (RYF) certification program helps you find hardware that doesn't violate your right to control the devices you own. Learn more, and shop while supporting companies that support your freedom: #RYF
Our "Respects Your Freedom" (RYF) certification program helps you find hardware that doesn't violate your right to control the devices you own. Learn more, and shop while supporting companies that support your freedom: #RYF
Our "Respects Your Freedom" (RYF) certification program helps you find hardware that doesn't violate your right to control the devices you own. Learn more, and shop while supporting companies that support your freedom: #RYF
Our "Respects Your Freedom" (RYF) certification program helps you find hardware that doesn't violate your right to control the devices you own. Learn more, and shop while supporting companies that support your freedom: #RYF
Das erinnert mich an eine "fiktive Szene" in den Tagesthemen im Juli 2012. Dabei ging es um #INDECT . Kaum zu glauben, aber damals gab es noch Widerstand! Von dem wurde auch noch in den Tagesthemen berichtet. Ja, das Vorhaben wurde dort sogar als Möglichkeit der grenzenlosen Überwachung kritisiert ...
Das waren noch Zeiten, wah?
#indect #kamera #uberwachung #ki #ryf
taz: #Überwachung von Drogenszene: Hamburgs Polizei setzt auf #KI
"...Hinzu kommt die Mustererkennung von Verhaltensweisen von Personen bis hin zur biometrischen #Gesichtserkennung und Echtzeit-Identifizierung von Personen.
Sprecherin des Datenschutzbeauftragten, teilt der taz mit: Das Vorhaben sei der Behörde noch gar nicht bekannt, entsprechend müssten die Pläne der #Polizei erst noch geprüft werden...."
#uberwachung #ki #gesichtserkennung #polizei #ryf #biometrie #privacy #demokratie #hmbbfdi
[ 🔄 ]
@fsf 🔗
Our "Respects Your Freedom" (RYF) certification program helps you find hardware that doesn't violate your right to control the devices you own. Learn more, and shop while supporting companies that support your freedom: #RYF
Our "Respects Your Freedom" (RYF) certification program helps you find hardware that doesn't violate your right to control the devices you own. Learn more, and shop while supporting companies that support your freedom: #RYF
Our "Respects Your Freedom" (RYF) certification program helps you find hardware that doesn't violate your right to control the devices you own. Learn more, and shop while supporting companies that support your freedom: #RYF
Our "Respects Your Freedom" (RYF) certification program helps you find hardware that doesn't violate your right to control the devices you own. Learn more, and shop while supporting companies that support your freedom: #RYF
Looks like ThinkPenguin's gigabit mini VPN router has been certified by the Free Software Foundation. I'm impressed, but can it also dispense cat treats? #techpurrfection #ryf
Our "Respects Your Freedom" (RYF) certification program helps you find hardware that doesn't violate your right to control the devices you own. Learn more, and shop while supporting companies that support your freedom: #RYF
Heute Morgen im Deutschlandfunk:
Kampf gegen #Kindesmissbrauch – In Paris startet eine europaweite Petition
Ein arg tendenziöser Beitrag, finde ich. So schlimm Missbrauch ist, eine pauschale Überwachung aller und das Ausspähen privaten Dinge auf Handys oder Computern kann und darf nicht das Ziel sein!
#kindesmissbrauch #ryf #privacy #datenschutz
#VinDiesel ha dicho que tiene interés en que #RobertDowneyJr se una a la película N°11 de la saga de #RyF!
"Hay un personaje que es la antítesis de Dom, que está promoviendo la IA y los coches sin conductor... eso choca directamente con la mentalidad de Toretto"
#breakingnews #vindiesel #robertdowneyjr #ryf