Today in Bogiperson news (NOT about the Supreme Court)
* Ignyte voting closes today
* Rosalind's Siblings cover reveal on Sunday
* SFRA conference
* TWO reviews! Ryka Aoki and William Sleator
Blog post on Bogi Reads the World:
#BogiReads #Ignyte #IgnyteAwards2023 #RosalindsSiblings #SFRA #Reviews #RykaAoki #WilliamSleator #TransLit #QueerBooks @bookstodon #Bookstodon #ScienceFiction #Fantasy #Paranormal #Aliens #ScienceFictionStudies
#BogiReads #ignyte #ignyteawards2023 #rosalindssiblings #sfra #reviews #rykaaoki #williamsleator #translit #queerbooks #bookstodon #sciencefiction #fantasy #paranormal #aliens #sciencefictionstudies
OOKAY so while our basement was being jackhammered, I did manage to get two reviews in! I just *had* to talk about these books.
On my Patreon for now and they become free shortly after the next set of reviews go up.
#Patreon #Bookstodon #reviews #RykaAoki #WilliamSleator #Fantasy #ScienceFiction #Horror #books #DiverseBookBloggers
#patreon #bookstodon #reviews #rykaaoki #williamsleator #fantasy #sciencefiction #horror #books #diversebookbloggers
Beautiful queer poetry to read and dwell on has ushered me into the month, and if you want some of this in your life, find this volume by Ryka Aoki, Why Dust Shall Never Settle Upon This Soul. She also gave us the unforgettable novel, Light From Uncommon Stars. #PrideMonth2023 #Poetry #RykaAoki #ReadQueerBooks
#pridemonth2023 #poetry #rykaaoki #readqueerbooks
I read 25 books in March, bringing #MyReadingYear to 57 books in 2023 so far. My highlights were Nangamay Mana Durali: First Nations Australia LGBTIA+ Poetry, All About Yves by #YvesRees, Bloodmarked by #TracyDeonn, Where We Are by #AlisonFlett and Light From Uncommon Stars by #RykaAoki.
#Reading #AmReading #MyReadingYear #BookReview #BookRecommendation #BookRec #WeNeedDiverseBooks #BlakBook #AWW2023 #AustralianPoetry
#MyReadingYear #yvesrees #TracyDeonn #alisonflett #rykaaoki #reading #amreading #bookreview #bookrecommendation #bookrec #weneeddiversebooks #blakbook #aww2023 #australianpoetry
Currently halfway through reading Light From Uncommon Stars by Ryka Aoki. I don't often go into books with zero idea of their premise, but I'm so glad I have in this instance.
#SciFi #fantasy #bookstodon #rykaaoki
A few #ScienceFiction and #Fantasy #LGBTQIA books in my to read pile:
1. The Mimicking of Known Successes by #MalkaOlder
2. Siren Queen by #NghiVo
3. Even Though I Knew the End by #CLPolk
4. Light from Uncommon Stars by #RykaAoki
5. Spear by #NicolaGriffith
#sapphicsaturday #sciencefiction #fantasy #lgbtqia #malkaolder #nghivo #CLPolk #rykaaoki #nicolagriffith #lesfic #sapphicfiction
From a mailing list I'm on:
"The Otherwise Award Motherboard is excited to share the winners of the Otherwise Award for 2021: Light from Uncommon Stars by Ryka Aoki and Sorrowland by Rivers Solomon!"
#OtherwiseAward #OtherwiseMotherboard #SciFi #ScienceFiction #Gender #LGBTQ #QueerLiterature #Bookstodon #Books #literature #RykaAoki #RiversSolomon
#otherwiseaward #otherwisemotherboard #scifi #sciencefiction #gender #lgbtq #QueerLiterature #bookstodon #Books #literature #rykaaoki #RiversSolomon
Update: Light From Uncommon Stars.
I finished this book the other day. I don’t always mention books by name before I read the ending, because so many drop the ending.
But I was so taken with this book’s entire personality (which it has a lot of) that I did not even care if the ending flopped. I loved it already and no ending, however lame, was going to change that.
The ending was perfect right down to the very last word.
Almost to the end of Light From Uncommon Stars by Ryka Aoki.
Chapter 35 is exquisite. You have to read the rest of the book to appreciate the wonder that is Chapter 35, but it’s worth it.
When a writer blends music and writing, it wakes up parts of my subconscious that other writing doesn’t and makes me pause to question, How did they do that? Can I do it too?
Virginia Woolf works with musical structures in her writing. David Mitchell did it in Cloud Atlas.
#rykaaoki #amreading #bookstodon
I’m 40% through. I have wiped away tears of sorrow at least three times. I’ve felt nauseous and I’ve lost track of how often it’s made me laugh out loud.
It weaves the ordinary, the bizarre, the rare, and extraordinary in the best way. There’s playfulness here, and mischief making. As well as some deeply serious themes being explored. The juxtaposition works.
Light From Uncommon Stars (2021) von Ryka Aoki. Diese ebenso verrückte wie berührende Geschichte über eine Raumschiffkapitänin, einen Pakt mit dem Teufel und ein trans Mädchen auf der Suche nach Sicherheit wärmt das Herz, ohne die entsetzliche Lebensrealität der Protagonistin zu beschönigen. Dabei bieten die kulinarischen Exkurse einen intimen Einblick ins Leben im kulturellen Melting Pot des San Gabriel Valley. Plus: Donuts!
#LightFromUncommonStars #RykaAoki #HeikeLiebtListen #Top15Bücher2022
#lightfromuncommonstars #rykaaoki #heikeliebtlisten #top15bucher2022
Light From Uncommon Stars (2021) by Ryka Aoki. This warm melange of science-fiction and fantasy with an avid interest in both cultural and gender identity feels absolutely unique. The dynamic between Katrina, a trans girl dreaming of a musical career, and her violin teacher who sells her students' souls to the devil, is thrilling and Aoki's use of food as a major theme creates an intimate love letter to the San Gabriel Valley.
#LightFromUncommonStars #RykaAoki #HeikeLovesLists #BestBooks2022
#LightFromUncommonStars #rykaaoki #heikeloveslists #bestbooks2022
Has anyone here read Light from Uncommon Stars by Ryka Aoki? Because omg, the layers in this story. I'm loving it.
#lightfromuncommonstars #rykaaoki
#bookstodon #books
5-7 authors you say... Ok... But I'll limit it to ones who's books I read in the past year
It's 8 🫣
#bookstodon #books #beckychambers #tjklune #lainreid #darylgregory #annaleenewitz #rykaaoki #tlhuchu #travisbaldree #sorrynotsorry
Currently reading Light From Uncommon Stars by Ryka Aoki. Main character is asian, trans and plays an instrument. I feel so represented and relate to her so much. So, there's that and why #representation matters.
#reading #rykaaoki #lightfromuncommonstars #trans #literature #asian
#representation #reading #rykaaoki #lightfromuncommonstars #trans #literature #asian