Ryker: Do I really need the shot?
Crusher: The transporter biofilter melted down trying to filter whatever you brought after your vacation in Riza
Crusher: I’m just a doctor, but you’re a slut.
#StarTrek #Ryker #DrCrusher
“Barclay’s Christmas holo is malfunctioning. The safety protocols are off. We have to participate or die, Imzadi.”
“You did this on purpose, William James Ryker. Let’s get on with it.”
“According to the instructions, you’re in town to help your ailing aunt run her Christmas shop, and I’m the town’s large animal vet … and we have being the Spirit of Christmas to everyone before the tree lighting in the square.”
#Christmas #Xmas #HallmarkChristmas #StarTrek #Troi #Imzadi #Ryker
#ryker #imzadi #troi #startrek #hallmarkchristmas #Xmas #Christmas
"Dr Crusher?"
"We may have a two-fold problem"
"What happened?"
"Commander Ryker has been expelled from Risa because he violated the moral mores of 17 different civilizations."
"Dear Lord"
"He broke the biofilters when he beamed over, so we don't know what he brought on board."
#Ryker #Risa #StarTrek #PleasurePlanet #Picard #Crusher #SocialDiseases #Biofilter
#Biofilter #socialdiseases #crusher #picard #pleasureplanet #startrek #risa #ryker
RT @f90divers@twitter.com
Die #QAnon-Anhängerin + „studierte Schamanin“ schwärmt für native Americans, #GermanischeHeilkunde nach #Ryker und natürlich für Rudolf #Steiner. Spendenaufrufe für die BAO postet sie in einschlägigen Coronazi- und QAnon-Gruppen. /16
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/f90divers/status/1598380682337783824
#qanon #germanischeheilkunde #ryker #steiner