you know, while we're at it, there's not enough asuka x kaji content in the world. you'd think there would be, given how much she wants to fuck him in nge but like... its shockingly rare lol

its one of those pairings i hope to make content for if i ever stop obsessing about my main ones for a while

#asukaxkaji #asukalangleysohryu #ryojikaji #proship #agegap #evangelion #neongenesisevangelion

Last updated 1 year ago

Eternauta84 · @eternauta84
74 followers · 127 posts · Server

Misato Katsuragi and Ryoji Kaji meet again after years of distance.
In the olden days, they used to spend their time in sweet intimacy.
That's why they celebrate the unexpected reunion rekindling the fire of their hearts with some great anal sex.
Based on "Neon Genesis Evangelion" anime show.

#ryojikaji #evangelion #eternauta84 #misatokatsuragi

Last updated 3 years ago

Eternauta84 · @eternauta84
74 followers · 127 posts · Server

During a blackout, Misato Katsuragi and Ryoji Kaji are stuck into one of the Nerv HQ elevator.
Being alone in a small place, close to each other for a while, rekindles the fire which quiet burns into their hearts.
The unusual situation sets them free of inhibitions, hasting them towards a passionate quickie, hoping that the electricity won't come back too soon.
Based on "Evangelion" anime show.

#misatokatsuragi #ryojikaji #evangelion #eternauta84

Last updated 4 years ago