I have officially given life to TWO #iPods, an #iPodNano 5th gen. and an #iPodShuffle 2nd gen. by "#rooting" them (using #GTKpod and some other hacks) and allowing #FOSS applications which include libgpod to import and export songs.
Such applications are #Clementine #Strawberry and #Rythmbox if I'm not mistaken
I'm really proud of myself!!
#ipods #ipodnano #ipodshuffle #rooting #gtkpod #foss #clementine #strawberry #rythmbox
#Rythmbox is a better application for listening to #podcasts than #vlc.
I have it insralled on my #ubuntu #MATE. One big advantage is the built-in search engine.
For example, let us search for the podcast "Start with This":
1. Start Rythmbox
2. Click on Podcasts.
3. Click the Add tab.
4. Fill in the search string
5/ Click "Searc"
#rythmbox #podcasts #vlc #ubuntu #mate
@frostwolf Yeah, that's why I literally purge #Rythmbox from my #Ubuntu installs...
Furthermore it reminds me of @fuchsiii's rant re: GNOME & KDE:
Gnome allows too little settings and customizations, requiring one to manually fiddle in cringetastic YAML files and backup / restore said configs, whilst KDE allows to customize everything but inherently looks like shit and is more cluttered than Microsoft Word ever has been.
I installed #soundJuice on #ubuntu to be able to get #metaData off the the CD and it prompted me to get an account on #musicBrainz I later noticed that #rythmbox also prompted me to look. While documentation on music Brainz prompted me to get #MusicBrainzPicard
#soundjuice #ubuntu #metadata #musicbrainz #rythmbox #MusicBrainzPicard
I think you're problem could be too many options to choose from...
@kaffeeringe Wie wärs mit #Audacious (https://audacious-media-player.org/) ? Ich nutz daneben noch #rythmbox