Review Recollection: 'The Midnight Meat Train' (2008) I'm a huge Clive Barker fan and I saw this film years ago when I was reading a bunch of his books. I love The Midnight Meat Train for being so faithful to the source material, but its reputation seems to imply that it's not so great. #TheMidnightMeatTrain #moviereview #ReviewRecollection #BradleyCooper #LeslieBibb #BrookeShields #VinnieJones #TedRaimi #RyuheiKitamura #CliveBarker #horror #movies #Lionsgate
#themidnightmeattrain #moviereview #reviewrecollection #bradleycooper #lesliebibb #brookeshields #vinniejones #tedraimi #ryuheikitamura #clivebarker #movies #lionsgate #horror