Alexandra · @berangere444
140 followers · 714 posts · Server

Dec 15 2020

1. ウシ (406)
2. トゥ (400)
3. チル (368)
4. カドゥ (292)
5. ナビ (290)
6. カミ (195)
7. カマドゥ (133)
8. ンタ (127)
9. グシ・グジ (123)
10. ウトゥ (83)
Top 10 without honorifics ("Ma", "Umi", "Gani"...) and without taking the ideogrammes into account (only reading)
1. Ushi (406)
2. Tu (400)
3. Chiru (368)
4. Kadu (292)
5. Nabi (290)
6. Kami (195)
7. Kamadu (133)
8. Nta (127)
9. Gushi / Guji (123)
10. Utu (83)

#家譜を読んで知った誰もいらない豆知識 #琉球人のお名前 #Ryukyu #ryukyugenealogies #ryukyuannames

Last updated 1 year ago

Alexandra · @berangere444
140 followers · 713 posts · Server

Dec 15 2020

1. 思戸 (333)
2. 眞牛 (309)
3. 眞鶴 (297)
4. 眞鍋 (213)
5. 眞加戸 (165)
6. 思龜 (156)
7. 眞蒲戸 (111)
8. 思武太 (95)
9. 眞呉勢 (71)
10. 思戸金 (62)
There are 2880 females of which we know the warabinaa (Ryukyuan given name).
Popular Names Ranking, Best 10!
1. Umitu (333)
2. Maushi (309)
3. Machiru (297)
4. Manabi (213)
5. Makadu (165)
6. Umikami (156)
7. Makamadu (111)
8. Uminta (95)
9. Magushi / Maguji (71)
10. Umitugani (62)

#家譜を読んで知った誰もいらない豆知識 #琉球人のお名前 #Ryukyu #ryukyuannames

Last updated 1 year ago

Alexandra · @berangere444
140 followers · 712 posts · Server

Dec 15 2020

1. タル (202)
2. カマドゥ (201)
3. マチ (187)
4. カミ (163)
5. サンル (162)
6. ヤマドゥ (143)
7. カナ (109)
8. ンタ (100)
9. シル・ジル (86)
10. ウシ (76)
Top 10 without honorifics ("Ma", "Umi", "Gani"...) and without taking the ideogrammes into account (only reading)
1. Taru (202)
2. Kamadu (201)
3. Machi (187)
4. Kami (163)
5. Sanru (162)
6. Yamadu (143)
7. Kana (109)
8. Nta (109)
9. Shiru / Jiru (86)
10. Ushi (76)

#家譜を読んで知った誰もいらない豆知識 #琉球人のお名前 #Ryukyu #ryukyugenealogies #ryukyuannames

Last updated 1 year ago

Alexandra · @berangere444
137 followers · 689 posts · Server

Oct 27 2020

1位 タル (101人)
2位 カマドゥ (101人)
3位 マチ (75人)

Ryukyuan Given Names Ranking, without honorifics ("Ma", "Umi", "Gani"...) and without taking the ideogrammes into account (only reading), Male ver.
1. Taru (101 pers.)
2. Kamadu (101 p.)
3. Machi (75 p.)

#家譜を読んで知った誰もいらない豆知識 #近世琉球史ネタ強化月間 #Ryukyu #ryukyugenealogies #ryukyuannames

Last updated 1 year ago

Alexandra · @berangere444
137 followers · 689 posts · Server

Oct 27 2020

琉球人の名前、女性版(1382人中) ベスト3!! 
1位 思戸 (127人)
2位 眞牛 (114人)
3位 眞鶴 (113人)

Ryukyuan Given Names Ranking, Female ver. (currently 1382 entries)
1. Umitu 思戸 (127 pers.)
2. Maushi 眞牛 (114 p.)
3. Machiru 眞鶴 (113 p.)

#家譜を読んで知った誰もいらない豆知識 #近世琉球史ネタ強化月間 #Ryukyu #ryukyugenealogies #ryukyuannames

Last updated 1 year ago

Alexandra · @berangere444
137 followers · 689 posts · Server

Oct 27 2020

琉球人の名前、男性版(764人中) ベスト3!! 
1位 眞蒲戸 (81人)
2位 松金 (66人)
3位 思龜 (55人)

Ryukyuan Given Names Ranking, Male ver. (currently 764 entries)
1. Makamadu 眞蒲戸 (81 pers.)
2. Machigani 松金 (66 p.)
3. Umikami 思龜 (55 p.)

#家譜を読んで知った誰もいらない豆知識 #近世琉球史ネタ強化月間 #Ryukyu #ryukyugenealogies #ryukyuannames

Last updated 1 year ago

Alexandra · @berangere444
137 followers · 686 posts · Server

Oct 21 2020


There's no snow but there are some people whose honorary name after death is "snowy window" 雪窓

#家譜を読んで知った誰もいらない豆知識 #近世琉球史ネタ強化月間 #Ryukyu #ryukyugenealogies #ryukyuannames

Last updated 1 year ago

Alexandra · @berangere444
137 followers · 674 posts · Server

Oct 9 2020

In the present state of the database, the average life expectancy at birth for men is 49.6 years, for women 48.0 years. That's incredibly high for pre-jennerian populations.

#家譜を読んで知った誰もいらない豆知識 #近世琉球史ネタ強化月間 #Ryukyu #ryukyugenealogies #ryukyuannames

Last updated 1 year ago

Alexandra · @berangere444
137 followers · 674 posts · Server

Oct 7 2020

There are guys called Masanra 眞三良 ("the third son") although they are the eldest sons and guys who are called Umijira 思二良 ("the second son") although they are the third ones. Numbers used in given names include 2, 3, 5, 100 and 1000 only.

#家譜を読んで分かった誰もいらない豆知識 #近世琉球史ネタ強化月間 #Ryukyu #ryukyugenealogies #ryukyuannames

Last updated 1 year ago

Alexandra · @berangere444
138 followers · 670 posts · Server

*incidentally my database now includes more than 8000 persons, and there is a clear tendency for the Kamadu name to be given equally to men and women.
Oct 5 2020
By the way, the "stove" 竈 ideogramme is only used 9 times, most of the times it is written 蒲戸 (well,the ideogrammes have been attributed for their sound and not their meaning so I'm not sure what to think about it)

#Ryukyu #ryukyugenealogies #ryukyuannames #近世琉球史ネタ強化月間

Last updated 1 year ago

Alexandra · @berangere444
138 followers · 669 posts · Server

Oct 5 2020
It is often said that Ryukyuan women had the task to protect the kitchen and that's why many women were given the name "Kamado" (meaning "kitchen stove"). In the genealogies I have read until now, I found 106 persons with the name "Kamadu", "Makamadu", "Makamadugani" or "Umikamadugani", and 60 of them are men.

#近世琉球史ネタ強化月間 #Ryukyu #ryukyugenealogies #ryukyuannames

Last updated 1 year ago

Alexandra · @berangere444
138 followers · 669 posts · Server

A few weeks ago I took part in a discussion here about a medieval given names list, saying that I was myself maintaining a list of given names for the Ryukyu Kingdom, and used to publish rankings on Twitter. I was told I should do it here too, so I searched for all my tweets about this subject and will post translations here, with the original tweet in Japanese. Then I will go on with more recent data I got recently.

#Ryukyu #ryukyuannames #okinawa

Last updated 1 year ago