So, by the end of #WestWorld #S03E10 We lost 3 #Dolores-es (#pearls). Did I count right? #Connell, OG #Dolores, and #Musachi. That means two of these five pearls - NONE OF WHICH are in the slightest bit RED - meaning where the hell did Bernard come from? Cos this is the screenshot of her bag's contents - and none are reddish. (#Charlotte/#Dolores - #DeHale - is not here...she's IN the #Hale #Host carrying the pearls) WTAF? 🤬
#westworld #s03e10 #dolores #pearls #connell #musachi #charlotte #dehale #hale #host
@donmelton RE: #Westworld #S03E10: HOLY FUCK! That’s it…that’s all I’ve got.
@verso: LAWRENCE!!! And #Motherfucker was NOT UTTERED! 😡
#westworld #s03e10 #motherfucker
Hurley a réussi à faire rouler le minibus, il va pouvoir suivre les Grateful Dead en tournée. #S03E10