Here's my #introduction in the form of a crap ton of hashtags, in no particular order. If any of these subjects appeal to you, give me a follow. You can always unfollow later if it's not working out:
#introduction #omaha #nebraska #urbanism #cats #bike #bikepacking #gravel #carfree #camping #sailing #cruising #sailboat #s2sailboat #catalina22 #vegan #vegancooking #hummus #beer #Wine #whiskey #hamradio #GMRS #raspberrypi #urban #standuppaddle #standuppaddleboard #sup #npr
My other car is a … just kidding. I don’t own a car. But I do have boat. Here Michelle and I stand on the bow of Frui Vita, our 1985 S2 11.0C coastal cruiser. Someday we hope to take her to the Bahamas, and beyond.
#sailing #cruising #s2sailboat #svfruivita #EnjoyLife