We’re still celebrating our Archival Innovator Award from @archivists_org! #TBT featuring our OIDA team members who also presented at #saa2023. https://www2.archivists.org/recipients/archival-innovator-award-opioid-industry-documents-archive
General logistics info for folks at #saa23 / #saa2023:
The L2, 42, and 43 buses go down Connecticut Ave to DuPont Circle and Farragut Square (Red line, Orange and Blue).
If you don't feel like walking up/downhill to DuPont, go east from the hotel to 18th St for cafes and restaurants. It's closer!
Reminded since #saa2023 is happening, I did say I'd find a way to turn these into enamel pins but that clearly didn't happen. Tbh this phrase isn't even from me but the far wittier Maureen Callahan.
In honor of #saa2023 I would like to share this email that I am putting in a mailbag in our preservation storage because of its long term value #PermanentRetention
Attending the @archivists_org Annual Meeting this week? See OIDA team members present (in-person and online) “Preserving Documents for Public Health with the Opioid Industry Documents Archive.” Hope to see you there! https://whova.com/embedded/session/NFdCWcgMulEQMwx9Xmlwgf4rdPHHEcJf8mkv5hKzZJ8%3D/3016061/?widget=primary. #saa2023 #saa23
God, The amount of notifications in Whova is overwhelming. I wish I could unsubscribe from certain notifications, like the community discussions (many of which are irrelevant to me) or recommended attendees (I don't care that someone who graduated from my MLIS program 10 years ago has set up their profile, and I don't want to hunt through 4 pages of attendees to mark the notification as read)
Started getting set up for #SAA2023 today, and Whova somehow pulled in a copy of my resume automatically?? Creepy creepy creepy
New heritage feature by @carbonbrief!
Gathering hosted by University of East Anglia last week brought together approaches to recognizing cultural heritage as part of global attention to and action on climate loss and damage.
Why does this matter? In words of organizer Dr. Joanne Clark
“Heritage is all the inherited conditions, objects, places and culture, as well as contemporary activities, knowledge, meanings and behaviours that are drawn from. Literally, heritage is everything that we are and everything that we want to become. So it is crucial for the preservation of society and social wellbeing. And it is increasingly thought to offer recognition to underrepresented populations.”
There have been many times when I've wished for a (net zero?) transporter beam so I could effectively be in two places at once. #SAA2023 was great, but I really wanted to be in the UK for this too.
These folks are fantastic partners in @SAAorg publication (and publish great books).
RT @UPColorado
#SAA2023Portland is over but our sale is not! Our 50% discount is good until 4/30. Order online with promocode SAA23:
#Archaeology #SAA2023
#saa2023 #archaeology #saa2023portland
Flying @united
for #SAA2023 #SAA2023Portland has resulted in inevitable betrayal. Previous years included plenty of lost luggage, or being forced to drive home. Today my flight is delayed 11 hours and it's approaching midnight in PDX. What should I do?
RT @CambUP_Archaeo
#SAA2023Portland - grab a last/minute title from Cambridge. 60% off paperbacks and 75% off hardbacks. #SAA2023
4355 archaeological sites described by Smithsonian Trinomial site number in American Antiquity. Try it yourself. Completely free and open data to reuse (CC-BY) #SAA2023 #SAA2023Portland
The @dinaa_proj
poster gets displayed in Portland style by @ArchaeoDGA
Download & learn to spatial query + get journal citations from JSTOR for thousands of archaeological sites, including all of American Antiquity
#SAA2023 #SAA2023Portland
#saa2023portland #saa2023 #putabirdonit
Free access to articles from SAA and other archaeology journals
RT @CambUP_Archaeo
#SAA2023 | Enjoy a month's free access to journal articles on #AmericanArchaeology ➡️🌎 http://ow.ly/7wuF50MNX6M
@AMesoamerica @AntiquityJ @aap_saaorg @SAAorg
The staff at my hotel bar is arguing whether green or black tea is appropriate to keep the sound guy caffeinated #SAA2023 #SAA2023Portland
Advances put together a set of papers in this collection tied to the themes for discussion in the Airlie House session about the future of federal archaeology #SAA2023Portland
RT @CambUP_Archaeo
#SAA2023 | Enjoy a month's free access to journal articles on #AmericanArchaeology ➡️🌎 http://ow.ly/7wuF50MNX6M
@AMesoamerica @AntiquityJ @aap_saaorg @SAAorg
#americanarchaeology #saa2023 #saa2023portland
Anybody #SAA2023 #SAA2023Portland at Chicago O'Hare waiting for the 12:45 to PDX? We can get some coffee and I'll show you how to spatial query the entire run of American Antiquity for archaeological site numbers using the Digital Index of North American Archaeology