@MaJ1 @Babcia54 My family were unnecessarily #traumatized by #antimasker #SaanichPolice under the lead command of president of #Saanich #police union, on botched 911 call, for paramedics on the night my Dad died. Me & my Mom still have nightmares to this day about that worst night of our lives. #DeanMurdoch #SaanichMayor is chair of SPD police board & their #antimasking #union controls him.
#traumatized #antimasker #saanichpolice #saanich #police #deanmurdoch #saanichmayor #antimasking #union
@MaJ1 @Babcia54 It was nasty & I'm dealing with probably year long or more fight for social justice atop because me & my family were unnecessarily traumatized by #antimasker #SaanichPolice under lead command of president of Saanich police union, on botched 911 call, for paramedics on the night Dad died. Me & my Mom still have nightmares to this day about that worst night of our lives.
Just so y'all know.
Ever since #SaanichPolice violated our #HumanRights on botched 911 call (that BC healthcare is now profusely apologizing for) - that resulted in JASON WHITTAKER, PRESIDENT OF SAANICH PD UNION, to override lower ranked officers with better mindsets - they said it was medical crisis & police didn't need to stick around. Whittaker overrode & was senior officer that night. He's used cancer patients as PR! He's an #ANTIMASKER !
#saanichpolice #humanrights #antimasker #corruption #fuckthisman
Unfortunately, for #AntiMasker arrogant #SaanichPolice - also the #SaanichPoliceUnion president - not a rookie - just an egotistical asshat - is slowly finding out - he fucked with the wrong POC immunocompromised family this time. His shitty decisions are hurting #Saanich & will hurt his entire family & career. All because he was abusing badge & seniority & will cost Saanich a lot of monies.
#antimasker #saanichpolice #saanichpoliceunion #saanich #police #DefundThePolice
@NovemberMan No - sorry - if one lands - throwing it at our useless #SaanichMayor - who is also chair of #SaanichPolice board.
Every single email & phone call effort helps us. Please email & call in to let them know we have public support too!
We're in a huge uphill battle for local justice against cops & their political enablers/employers in #Saanich right now. I refuse to be bullied into silence. I refuse to accept deflections/poor attempts at justifications on #SaanichPolice choosing to #violate our #HumanRights in our own home - as my Dad was dying. I'm more than a bit furious!
#saanich #saanichpolice #violate #humanrights
My response to that weak attempt at justifying #unethical , morally #corrupt #SaanichPolice actions on our POC disabled immunocompromised household on night my Dad died. They need to be all held #ACCOUNTABLE - they're all #PublicServants & paid by #PublicMoney aka #TaxpayerFunds 😡
#VictoriaBC #Saanich #injustice #AsianMastodon #FightForJustice #YYJ #ChekNews #CTVVI #Corruption #CoverUp #VancouverIsland #PNW
#unethical #corrupt #saanichpolice #yyj #cheknews #ctvvi #corruption #coverup #vancouverisland #pnw #accountable #publicservants #publicmoney #taxpayerfunds #victoriabc #saanich #injustice #asianmastodon #FightForJustice
We find out on Monday if #SaanichCouncil actually cares about citizens over corrupt unethical police unions. I will organize & react - accordingly & plan to make every single #SaanichPolice weakass peons regret ever signing up to be a weakass fucking #peon.
#saanichcouncil #saanichpolice #peon
@JoBlakely me yelling at #SaanichPolice for refusing to wear masks inside our immunocompromised household. My Mom & bro didn't back me & were both scared that if they made same safety demands - they'd treat my Dad like shit. They've since apologized & understand why I got so angry now but it's too late. We're all exposed to stranger #Saanich cops without masks.