Random Old Comic: Genesis Allowed Is Not! https://www.toyboxcomix.com/2022/04/06/genesis-allowed-is-not/ #xp #jamestkirk #khannooniensingh #saavik #startrek
#xp #jamestkirk #khannooniensingh #saavik #startrek
Rest in peace, Kirstie Alley 71(1951-2022)
#ripKirstieAlley #Saavik #StarTrekIITheWrathofKhan #StarTrek
#ripkirstiealley #saavik #startrekiithewrathofkhan #startrek
Good-bye, #KirstieAlley. I will always remember your portrayal of one of my favorite Star Trek characters. https://www.msn.com/en-us/movies/news/remembering-kirstie-alley-going-vulcan-for-star-trek-ii-the-wrath-of-khan/ar-AA14WTCM
#kirstiealley #startrek #thewrathofkhan #saavik
Farewell Lt. Saavik 😞
#startrek #kirstiealley #saavik #rip
#startrek #kirstiealley #saavik #rip
#RIPKirstieAlley… at the press-party-turned-crisis-meetup for the Ultimate Fantasy/HoustonCon ’82, aka the #ConOfWrath: June 1982.
Two weeks after premiere of #StarTrek II. (photo: Anthony Wynne)
#kirstiealley #stII #wrathofkhan #saavik #drtrek #trekland
#ripkirstiealley #conofwrath #startrek #kirstiealley #stii #wrathofkhan #saavik #drtrek #trekland
Sad to learn that Kirstie Alley died yesterday of cancer. Saavik was one of my top 5 characters of all time on star trek. #Saavik #KirstieAlley #StarTrek
#saavik #kirstiealley #startrek
Oh, dann heute Star Trek II - Der Zorn des Khan (1982).
#Saavik #KirstieAlley
Very sad news. RIP Saavik.
#StarTrek #Saavik #KirstieAlley
#startrek #saavik #kirstiealley
Very sad news. RIP Saavik.
#StarTrek #Saavik #KirstieAlley
#startrek #saavik #kirstiealley
Kirstie Alley gaves us a great character in Lt. Saavik that was one my favorites.
#StarTrek #Saavik #KirstieAlley
#startrek #saavik #kirstiealley