#LetterboxdFriday and a somewhat... corrected #lastfourwatched as two of the films in my "Recent Activity" at Letterboxd is just Blu ray-extras that I wouldn't count.
So, my "real" last four:
King of New York
Cemetary Without Crosses
Sherlock, Jr.
#Letterboxd #cinemastodon #filmastodon #Sabata #AbelFerrara #KingOfNewYork #CemeteryWithoutCrosses #SherlockJr #BusterKeaton
#LetterboxdFriday #lastfourwatched #Letterboxd #cinemastodon #filmastodon #sabata #abelferrara #kingofnewyork #cemeterywithoutcrosses #sherlockjr #busterkeaton
Sabata? SABATA! SAAAABAAATAAAAA! #sabata #leevancleef #spaghettiwestern
#sabata #leevancleef #spaghettiwestern
Born this day 1925, sometimes Angel Eyes, sometimes The Baddest of the Bad but always Lee Van Cleef
#leevancleef #angeleyes #thegoodthebadandtheugly #forafewdollarsmore #escapefromnewyork #sabata #elcondor #dayofanger #deathridesahorse #thebiggundown #thegrandduel
#leevancleef #angeleyes #thegoodthebadandtheugly #forafewdollarsmore #escapefromnewyork #sabata #elcondor #dayofanger #deathridesahorse #thebiggundown #thegrandduel